View Full Version : Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles UK Help

04-24-2009, 02:43 PM
Hi turtlephiles. I'm writing another article for the greatest magazine on all things 80s cartoons, cereal:geek.

I have a question for my commonwealth friends in the UK or any serious collectors who have the "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles" comics/magazines. I want to know who published that title in the UK. Any other information you have (how many issues, years, how often the Archie series was reprinted in it, etc.) would be appreciated.


04-26-2009, 08:16 PM
Hey Ross,
My father used to buy this for me back in the day, I still have most of the issues, so I had a quick look through them.
The UK TMHT was published by Fleetway, Egmont House in London.
It was released every fortnight when it started in 1990, up until around 1993 when it changed to monthly, it ceased to be puplished in early 1994.
Last issue I got was January 1994, could never find it anywhere after that.
The comics run mainly consisted of 2 short stories per issue, Archie stories on the other hand would appear every so often, and take up a full issue.
The last 15 issues or so of it's run were all Archie.

Hope that helps a bit!

04-26-2009, 10:21 PM
That helped much more than a bit. Thanks a lot!

04-26-2009, 11:46 PM
To elaborate a bit more on Raphn'Roll's post. The format of TMHT Adventures would be that one issue would print two short original stories and then the next would reprint an Archie issue.

After the comic went monthly they dispensed with the original stories and just kept reprinted the Archie comics. All of the TMNT Adventure issues were reprinted up until "United We Stand Divided We Fall" part 3 which was the end of the run.

Suprisingly the book returned around the time of the third movies upcoming release. Once again on a monthly schedule it picked up right were the first run left off with "1492" it was also for the first time ever they used the original American covers.

This second run was quite hard to get so I can't say for definite were it ended. The last issue I was able to get was the one that reprinted "Chameleons Are Forever". It's quite possible the comic continued on and I was simply not able to find it but I doubt it.

Some fun factoids about the book:

In the original stories Mike went weaponless but sometimes used a Bo Staff like Don.

The original stories were of course written and drawn by different creators and thus had no continuity with the Archie stuff or each other. No events from any previous issues were referenced and the Technodrome would never be in the same place in each story. Some would have it burrowing under the city like the first season of the show, others would have it in Dimension-X and others would have it teleport to wherever it was needed for the story like a ship yard in NY or in Africa or the Netherlands.

The original stories obviously featured Shredder and co as villains but in the few instanced they weren't they strangley overlooked the turtle's other rogues and went with new villians.

Certain pages and panels of the Archie stuff were edited out, presumebly to cover that the issue should have followed on from the Mutanimals book or an editorial announcement like the book ending. Spellings were of course changed to the British way and references to them being Hero turtles were placed in...and yet made no attempt to edit out Mikey's chuks or the fact they practiced ninja.

Original TMNT Cartoon Fan
04-27-2009, 04:39 PM
This was discussed here: http://forums.thetechnodrome.com/showthread.php?t=24769&highlight=sp%F6kslottet. I think it would be better to continue that thread, not too old.

04-28-2009, 07:51 AM
Thanks everyone!