View Full Version : my biggest problem with btts...

09-18-2011, 06:15 PM
it made karai look more out her mind it basically told us she knew thier was a way to restore her father cause she was there when he downloaded himself but inteasd of focusing on that she focused on killing the turtles.

09-18-2011, 06:20 PM
That's a very good point I'd never thought of. Karai could have easily brought her father back and made her whole, "THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANTED!" angst in season 4 (which I assume is a foil for Leonardo's anger) totally unnecessary.

09-18-2011, 06:29 PM
Here's my theory:

Just because Ch'Rell made Karai back his memory up doesn't mean she approved of it. For one thing, it must have scared her, because it must have meant Ch'Rell was worried about somehow dying. And if he died, would she die? So, some unpleasant thoughts must have sprung from his backup.

In Turtles Forever, she said she'd been able to track Ch'Rell's location, waiting for some chance to rescue him if it presented itself. So she would probably prefer that than to have Cyber Shredder just be Ch'Rell's mind in a new Shredder suit. She wanted to be able to see her real father, not a digital copy.

On top of this, she did fight Cyber Shredder in Wedding Bells and Bytes.

09-22-2011, 01:54 PM
it made karai look more out her mind it basically told us she knew thier was a way to restore her father cause she was there when he downloaded himself but inteasd of focusing on that she focused on killing the turtles.

Are you saying that in season four she should've made a Cyber Shredder instead of focusing all of her efforts on destroying the turtles? Eh, maybe she disliked Cyber Shredder as much as I did and prefered not to try to create one.