View Full Version : the teenage mutant ninja turtles meet spiderman and x-man - the old series

04-29-2012, 01:44 PM
part 1

It was an ordinary day as every day
the turtle watching the television preparing for April O'Neil's news
Michelangelo left the kitchen with a huge pizza and placed it on the table
Donatello: Hmm ... the pizza smells good what you put on it?
Michelangelo: What we like best anchovies with chili sauce
Leonardo: Let's start guzzling I'm starving

Raphael: when the news start we eat
At that moment appeared on the TV Channel 6's icon and after that appears April on the screen and the turtles began to devour the pizza
April: Good evening, today in the news I'll talk about something unusual that happened in our town, eye witness saw a strange man hang on building with cobweb and on his body a blue and rad costume
Michelangelo: no way that's impossible
Everyone looked at him
Leonardo: What are you talking about Mike?
Michelangelo: It reminds me of someone I heard him calling himself Spiderman I was sure that's a legend
Raphael: It's probably a coincidence or is it some kind of psycho influenced by this legend
Leonardo: Yet we should check that what are you say?
Michelangelo: let's go for it since shredder stuck in dimension X there's nothing to do
Donatello: You're right Michelangelo let's go
At that moment, Splinter went into the living room
Splinter: Where are you going my students?
Leonardo: investigate something strange is happening in the city
Splinter: What is this strange thing?
Raphael: some nut hanging on the walls and think he's Spider-Man from a legend that Michelangelo heard on her
Splinter: Very strange go check it out my students
Leonardo: come on turtles let's go
the four stood up and ran out from the lair

Meanwhile in the city

Spider -Man walking in the city, hung between the houses when suddenly he felt in danger
At that moment was a powerful explosion from one of the banks in the city
Spider-Man arrived, caught the burglars and left
April's broadcast van arrived to cover the event, she spoke with the branch manager
April: What exactly happened here?

manager: these three robbed the bank and suddenly came to a strange man with a costume of red and blue colors, put cobweb around them and leave
April: Thank you, then again the guy with the red and blue costume appear in the area, and when I'll continue follow him And when I have more details about him you'll be the first to know, this is April O'Neil singing of
when the new team arranged the equipment April went along and took her to turtlecom
Leonardo replied
Leonardo: Yeah April What's up?
April: Have you seen the news?
Leonardo: Yeah, we want to know just like you, who are this guy,
April: You knew that he caught bank robbers when they tried to escape from the crime area?
Leonardo: Really? We'll check it; thank April
in the turtles van
Leonardo: Well you heard what April told us?
Michelangelo: Yeah we have to find him but how?
Donatello: Maybe he has a tracking device on him I'll try to check
Donatello checked the tracking device, and managed to get on something
Donatello: Hey guys I got on something, I think he is now the city's northern area
Raphael: OK, I go there

in one of the newspapers in the north city
Peter Parker developed pictures
Suddenly he felt something was happening
He put the pictures to dry and went to check what happened
At the same time the turtles came to the area of the newspaper and Peter went out
When no one noticed he changed his clothes and become Spider-Man
He felt that whoever was inside the car came to hurt him
The turtles sow him
Michelangelo: Look it's him
Leonardo: I imagine, or he approaches our car?
Donatello: You don't imagine he really is approaching us

the turtles came out to him
Spider-Man to himself: What is it these strange creatures?
When Spider-Man and the turtles were close to each other the turtles thought that he came to attack them and they pull out them weapons
Spider-Man: who are you and what are you doing here?
Donatello: We are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; we heard about you on the news and wanted to know who are you and what are you doing here?
Spider-Man: I'm Spider-Man fights crime in the city I always lived here
Raphael: What a coincidence we also fight crime in the city, strange we've never seen you
suddenly Spider-Man felt a hostile force approaching them
Spider-Man: Look out, I feel in danger
Michelangelo: What are you talking about I don't see anything
Suddenly came from behind them one of the sworn enemies of Spider-Man, the goblin and he holding a bomb
Spider-Man: Look out behind you
the turtles look behind them and at that moment the goblin threw the bomb and they jumped sideways
Raphael: Who is this maniac?
Spider-Man: he call himself Hobgoblin or in short goblin, he's the most annoying evil in the universe maybe, it has an annoying laugh is like the Joker of Batman comics
Michelangelo: Oh no, just to mention this joker
The Goblin continued to rage
Spider-Man: Wait here I'll take care of this clown
Leonardo: Let's help him turtles
Donatello: What for? He sure can handle this alone
suddenly emerged from the side streets, Dr. Octopus, Mysterio and the Chameleon
Leonardo: What about four against one?
Rafael: I say we mown them
Leonardo and Raphael look at Michelangelo and Donatello
Michelangelo: I'm with you, Don?
Donatello: What are we waiting for?
The four pull out they weapons and began to help Spider-Man that took away the goblin and noticed what was happening
He went to Leonardo that he realized he was the leader and whispered in his ear
Leonardo sign to his brothers to act like they surrender and come close to him
The three do as Leonardo told them
Donatello: Leonardo What are you doing?
Leonardo: spiderMan told me some things about these scums that you should know
Michelangelo: What is there to know about them
Leonardo: about Dr. Octopus except that he was crazy not really what to know but the other two very sophisticated, chameleon know to change his appearance and it may confuse us and pretend to be one of us so be alert and Mysterio is a master of illusion and it can also confuse us
Suddenly the face of Raphael was a devilish smile, and Michelangelo was the first to notice
Michelangelo: Uh ... guys
Raphael's voice suddenly sounded from a distance
Raphael: Guys Help!
Leonardo, Michelangelo and Donatello realized that fall into the trap of a chameleon
Leonardo: Go save Raphael I'll take care of chameleon
Donatello and Michelangelo run to Raphael, who was trapped in one of the arms of Dr. Octopus and hung in the air over a tall building
Once Michelangelo and Donatello came to Dr. Octopus, he released his grip and Raphael began to fall down
Michelangelo drew his rope and jumped at Rafael
Donatello has watched in concern
Michelangelo put the noose around the pole he saw and seized Raphael
Michelangelo: Are you okay?
Rafael: Yeah thanks
Suddenly, the goblin came out of nowhere and ripped the rope Michelangelo and Raphael were hung on him and the two started to fall down, until Spider-Man came and rescued them with his web wrapping around them and returned them to the ground
Leonardo and Donatello run to them
Leonardo: are you all right?
Michelangelo: Yeah wow that was scary
Donatello: you scare us, what a luck that you ok
Rafael: Let mown them
Leonardo: We need a plan
everyone looked at Donatello
Donatello: What?
Michelangelo: You are the wise guy, you have an idea?
Donatello: Mm mm ... let me think...
At that moment approached Spiderman
Spider-Man: No time to think about a plan guys , the best way is to attack them head-on, that's how I defeated them
Donatello: Well but I don't understand something
Leonardo: What?
Donatello: What are they doing here?
Spider-Man: Hmm ... you're right it's really weird recently I fought them and they were sent to jail except maybe Mad Goblin, there's still something strange, they cooperate that means somebody turns them but who ... well look what are we doing you stay here and prevent these crazies to follow me, I'll find out what's going on
Spider-Man went away and the turtles were left alone
Leonardo: Well turtles it's time to act, Mike, you and Don attack Dr. Octopus, me and Raphael go on Chameleon and Mysterio and Rafael be care full they very sophisticated
The four began to struggle with chameleon Mysterio and Dr. Octopus

Meanwhile, the evil headquarters of the kingpin
the kingpin and his colleagues didn't understand who these green creatures that interfere with are their
the kingpin: What the hell's going on here, who are these creatures they destroy us all
Smythe: I think I saw them on the news on Channel 6 yes they the teenage mutant ninja turtles
Kingfin: It says these turtles and Spiderman together and I have new enemies now
Smythe: Yes, there is something else that might be interested you, I heard on the news that they have enemy that called shredder maybe we can find him and he can help us to destroy them all
The Kingfin: great idea, every friend of Spiderman is my enemy ha ha ha

to be continued


sorry about my english
i'm from israel and english it's not my language so sorry if i have mistakes

04-29-2012, 01:46 PM
i edit this

04-29-2012, 01:48 PM
i edit this

04-29-2012, 01:53 PM
i edit this

04-29-2012, 01:54 PM
i edit this

Original TMNT Cartoon Fan
04-30-2012, 05:39 AM
I love when there's 1987 show TMNT fanfiction. Almost everyone say the 1987 show is their favourite TMNT version, but almost noone writes fanfiction about it.

04-30-2012, 09:17 AM
when i'll get more coments i put the rest of the story

05-01-2012, 01:50 PM
someone read it yet?

05-03-2012, 04:18 PM
why nobody wirte what he think about my story?