View Full Version : A Rewrite of the 2014 TMNT movie

01-13-2015, 02:17 PM
Hey everyone, I posted this in the fan works section, but got no response there, so I thought I'd try putting it here. I have decided to attempt a rewrite of the 2014 and 2016 films, to make it more appealing to regular TMNT fans. I've created a bullet points of the changes I'm making to the overall story, trying to keep what I can, while restoring/changing things to give it a more 'TMNT' feel.

Oh, and to keep this an open discussion that isn't just about a fan work, we can also discuss what changes could have been made to at least make the movie palatable to TMNT fans (Oh, and if your answer is 'nothing can be saved, it all sucks" without even giving it some intelligent thought, then please don't post in this thread.)

So anyway, here's the changes I'd make. The turtles designs will be made to be more like the classic turtle designs, though tweaked to fit a live-action move. The story will directly follow the events of the Platinum Dunes movie as we saw in theaters, with these changes:

-'legend of the Yokai' clip plays as the movie's intro. (incorprating the 'legend of Yokai' segment here), and how the Yokai were created by an elixir made by an alchemist. The Yokai were taken control of by a warlord named Ororku Saki, who ravaged the countryside with his new army. It tells of the four kappa yokai, and who they were trained in ninjitsu by a master named Hamato Yoshi. The Kappa Yokai defeat Saki and his monsters, and Yoshi declares that he and the Kappa Yokai will return again one day, if they are ever needed again.

-April tries to get info on the foot out of several people in the city, with no luck. As a neat little cameo, the gangster she talks to on the phone who won't tell her anything is named 'Big Louie'.

-April/Vernon part in the beginning cut down to one or two scenes, Vernon more of a scuzzy letch. April's roommate's name is Irma Langstien, and gets one or two more scenes.

-Foot soldiers retain a more military-esqe look, but also use katanas in addition to their guns. Think ninjas that look more like snake eyes from G.I Joe, instead of sixteenth century kabuki pajamas.

-Shredder scene with Karai at the beginning expanded, more dialogue and character development for the two characters. Shredder resembles his TMNT 2 look, instead of the scarred and shadowy figure from the first film.

-Scene after Turtles seize April's camera followed by a down time scene in the lair of the four just chilling, playing video games, and eating pizza. A slip of Mikey's tongue makes Splinter realize they had snuck out, scene with Splinter and the pizza in the discipline room proceeds as usual.

-Baxter Stockman replaces Eric Sachs as rich businessman villain, and at the scene at the mansion Baxter tells April about the yokai of Feudal Japan, and how they were created by an elixir made by an alchemist. Stockman also tells how he was adopted and raised by a ninja master after his father was killed in the Vietnam war, and how he and April's father tried use the mutagen to re-create the heroes who had defeated the warlord and his yokai army.

-Scene with Shredder and Stockman expanded, giving both more screen time and character development. Stockman sends one of his little robots, a mouser, to follow April and track her back to the turtle's lair. When the mouser's sensor's locate the TMNT's home, Shredder puts together an assault force.

-When Splinter tells April about how he learned ninjitsu, he explains that the book on ninjistsu awakens memories of 'another time, another place' and ninja skills he had no idea existed (the legend of the Yokai tale at the beginning of the movie said Hamato Yoshi and the Yokai would return again when needed, implying Splinter is Yoshi reborn). During the attack that follows, The Armored Shredder, the two thugs, and Karai and an army her of foot soldiers attack the lair.

-The battle concludes with three turtles captured, Raph believed destroyed completely, and Splinter is left behind because Baxter had commented that his rat physiology had absorbed the mutagen remnants in his blood completely, rendering him useless.

-Stockman draws the final remnants of the mutagen out of the three other turtle's blood, before Raph and April rescued them. After the mountain scene, the turtles and their two human friends attack Stockman's tower. Shredder and Stockman plan to release the mutagen from atop Stockman's tower, mutating the entire city's population to give Shredder an army of Yokai.

-The Turtles deal with Shredder on the roof, while April and Vernon try to get the mutagen away from Karai and Baxter. The two manage to knock Stockman out, but Karai manages to get away with a tiny vial of the Mutagen. The turtles, win the long and hard battle with the Shredder on the roof, destroying the machine on the tower, and sending the Shredder tumbling to the concrete below. We see the armor is trashed, but a moving hand shows us the armor's occupant is very much alive.

-Conversation with April white the new party wagon expanded, April reveals Stockman's money got the whole situation swept under the rug, and the Shredder has been arrested. The party wagon is the trash truck from the second movie, and not the turtle van from the first. Meanwhile. We see Karai preparing to attack the prison truck transporting the shredder, and so we lead into our next story....

So what does everyone else think? And what would you do for a rewrite? Also, this has been updated so the story will include the second film, as well.

01-13-2015, 03:04 PM
Lotta good bits in there... I think this was my favorite:

-Scene after Turtles seize April's camera followed by a down time scene in the lair of the four just chilling, playing video games, and eating pizza. A slip of Mikey's tongue makes Splinter realize they had snuck out, scene with Splinter and the pizza in the discipline room proceeds as usual.

01-13-2015, 03:47 PM
It's certainly better. Not my personal ideal, but it's a distinct improvement from what we actually got. (And it's an interesting exercise to see how much could be improved without completely altering the plot.)

Turning Sacks into Stockman is a great idea, as his character serves a similar role in the property already and he's the villain who's supposed to have a connection to April. The villain situation in this movie was botched from jump street.

Adding a IDW-esque reincarnation element helps a bit. It's not ideal, and I'd really prefer something direct, but putting some Saki/Yoshi connection and conflict into this can only help.

I could take or leave the Bebop and Rocksteady stuff. Karai was essentially an extra in this movie and I'd rather they focused on making her an actual character. And that applies to the Shredder too, for that matter.

The Mutanimals setup seems pretty unnecessary and tacked-on, but taking April out of the battle with the Shredder is definitely an improvement.

I do think the plot was too broken to really salvage, but I can appreciate the effort made to explain things here, like why they didn't bother capturing Splinter and the overall master plan holding up a bit better -- as they're not doing it to "get crazy rich" but instead create a world-conquering army, them releasing the gas/mutagen from their very visible and clearly-branded Manhattan HQ doesn't quite break all the logic in this. Though I'd suggest having Stockman not be complicit in that part; having Stockman argue against it and the Shredder intimidating him into subservience, throwing Stockman and his company under the bus for what happens next.

You care more than the actual writers did, obviously. :tlol:

01-13-2015, 05:45 PM
Nailed it, Panda :tgrin:

01-14-2015, 10:58 AM
pretty solid.. and that couldnt have been easy trying to shift around what was already thrown together for the final product. job well done

Purse Grabbin Puke
01-14-2015, 05:31 PM
I'm not a fan of the reincarnation angle, but I'll take a stab at this, I will just try and follow the narrative as much as I can from the actual movie.

BTW turtles will be 5'4, other than that, I don't mind their look in this movie. Shredder will be just like 1990's Shredder, but darker colors, and maybe even less blades. April will be in her mid 30's because she'll be an experienced and successful reporter in my version.

-Establish that April is a great reporter, and she'd do anything for a good story, even if it meant selling out friends or family.

-April/Vernon are trying to prove there is a hidden criminal element in the city, her boss does not want to hear about it until she can give solid proof.

-The Foot are militarized but not as heavy since they are still trying to be hidden while conducting their criminal activity.

-I would keep the loading doc scenes, even the scenes with April investigating the docks. Remove the skype call, and have him tell her face to face about the other loading dock owner.

-April goes to the loading dock and the Turtles thwart the Foot's attempt at stealing the cargo, instead of shipping crates being launched, I'd do the fight almost like Batman Begins when he breaks up the cargo load. Quick cuts in the shadows, maybe some one liners thrown out.

-April gets a little too close to the action, she's taking photos and a Foot soldier grabs her and her phone, but from the shadows he is pulled away and you hear him being disposed of. Her phone goes flying and is destroyed.

-You see only her reaction to the turtles as they escape into the night.

-First Shredder scene is perfect, wouldn't change a thing except for the actress who plays Karai.

-I would keep the original movie's next few scenes the same - April telling her boss and co workers, almost telling them what she thinks she saw, but realizing she'll sound crazy so she keeps it to herself.

-The subway scene, turtles watching on the monitors all the same. Rooftop scenes all the same. I love the reveal in the movie, so keep it the same, except I didn't like Leo's flip onto the ledge. I would just keep the slow reveal going up Raph's leg, then have her stand up and back up into Mikey.

-It will be revealed the backstory of April's dad worked at the lab, and she'd visit is all the same. However, she didn't name the turtles.

-I too would have replaced Sacks with Stockman. April goes to Stockman to talk about the turtles. She remembers all the crazy things she saw at her father's lab and she knows Baxter will be the only one who will believe her. He explains they found a foreign substance and her father and he were testing it to see if they could identify it. They learned it was a mutagen, the test subjects were merging with other living organisms to form new organisms. That is when all was lost in the fire. April explains she was with her father that night when the fire started and she tried to save her father, but she couldn't. She grabbed a glass test bowl and put the turtles in the bowl and grabbed her backpack and ran out of the building. When she was running from the building she stopped and put the bowl down over a sewer grate on the sidewalk she checks her backpack and there is a canister of ooze, her father must have put in her bag. She pulls it out and stares at it. At this point a crowd has formed around the building as it burned. She starts crying and drops the canister, it hits the bowl, shattering it, breaking the canister open in the process. The turtles fall through the grate as the ooze pours into the sewer.

-Stockman tells April she has to find them and bring them to him, they could be in great danger. He tells April the foot clan is working for a ruthless leader...The Shredder. He thinks that her dad burned the lab because The Shredder was trying to steal the mutagen.

-I'd keep the turtles punishment scene but make it a little less goofy. Splinter knows who April is from watching her on tv, knowing how unrelenting she is as a reporter he fears she'll tell the world about the turtles. He tells them to bring her to him.

-Donnie hacks Aprils computer, brings her to Splinter etc...

-Splinter tells April (basically the Hamato Yoshi story from the 1990 movie, about Tang Shen, and Oroku Saki killing his wife.) He fled to America in fear he'd be blamed for her murder, and became homeless. He was sleeping in a sewer at night when glass and green ooze covered him. The next thing he remembers he's taken form of a rat. The turtles started to grow, and you all know the rest...

-April tells Splinter about Stockman and how he wants to protect the turtles and help them because of the Shredder. She convinces the turtles to go with her to Stockman's mansion. She calls Vern to help. We get turtles in trenchcoats!

-They arrive at Stockman's lair, April, Vern, Splinter, and the Turtles. Stockman is in awe of them. He makes it seem like they will be safe with him, he leads them to a section of the house when the room they're in goes on lock down. They are all in the room when Stockman reveals he's working for Shredder. Raph grabs Stockman when a small door opens and mousers pour in. The turtles and Splinter fight off the mousers while protecting Vern and April. Stockman escapes to a control room where Shredder is waiting. "We only need one of them to extract the mutagen". Shredder storms out of the room and into the room full of mousers and turtles. He kicks everyone's ass and grabs splinter.

-The turtles are defeated as they watch Shredder drag Splinter behind him. April screaming for them to get up, they finally do and give chase to Shredder.

-Keep the snow chase scene however, instead of them running away they're chasing Shredder, Vern drives the truck, while Karai chases the Turtles. The chase leads to a helipad on the mountain where they confront Shredder who is waiting for his ride.

-Shredder is holding splinter up (just like the scene in the movie in the lair before he punches him), threatening to kill Splinter if they don't back off. Splinter musters all his energy and slashes at Shredder's face ripping his face mask off and cutting his face. Shredder drops Splinter, and when he slowly turns revealing his face Splinter yells "SAKI!" and lunges at him. "It is me, Hamato Yoshi! You killed my Tang Shen!" etc... as he is clawing at Shredder. The Turtles turn to each other and Leo says "It's him...." and they run to help Splinter.

-Major fight scene where the Turtles and Splinter defeat Shredder. As they're checking on each other and celebrating the victory they look back and Shredder is gone. They decide they will go after Stockman another day, and April vows to expose Stockman in a report. She tells the turtles she usually wouldn't leave something so big out of her report but she knows the world isn't ready for talking turtles and a talking rat so she won't expose them.

-Roll credits, and then a stinger at the end....a small drop of blood on the floor, it's sucked into a syringe. Pull back to reveal it's from the room the turtles were ambushed in. Stockman has the syringe. As he's looking at the vile you see an out of focus view of two very large men, In very deep voices you hear "Boss dey got away." And another deep voice "Boss?" (It's human Bebop & Rocksteady). Stockman says "It's alright, I have enough of the rat's blood right here... THE END

That's what I would have done.

01-14-2015, 06:08 PM
Working on the idea that the movie we got was very much in place and thus only small changes I'd do this...

-I'd get rid of the semi-animated intro.

- Instead of the Donatello detecting Foot Clan activity on his surveillance system which covers the whole sewers I'd have them watching a Channel Six news broadcast which says that the Foot Clan have taken hostages including their own reporter April O'Neil and are demanding to see the vigilantes.

- During the hostage I'd show or mention April banged her head. At least that might make the faint later when she meets the turtles seem less stupid.

- After April takes a photo of the turtles I wouldn't have them waiting around so long before Raph grabs her. Just a quick "what's that?" cut to the chains and definitely after the turtles jump off the roof I wouldn't have April take a second photo.

- Needless to say I wouldn't have them sliding home and getting caught in a sewer pipe with the fart. I'd have them arriving home to Splinter who knows what they were doing and having a conversation reminiscent of the 1990 movie with Splinter gently lecturing them about staying shadow and not being seen.

- Later on we see the turtles chilling doing their own thing in the lair and noticing a newscast with April absent. When say Michelangelo remarks that April's missing and have someone like Raph remark that he probably scared her off Splinter realizing that it's April who saw them and demands they bring her to him.

- The flashback at the lab can much the same although I would like to see the process of Splinter slowly gaining intelligence like having him getting through a maze faster each time etc They decide to begin human trials and move the animal specimens to another site. April upset at losing her pets.

On the way to the second site the truck swerves to miss a blind man and out of the back the container with Splinter and the turtles spills out into the street and down the drain.

- At least play it mysterious with how Spinter knows martial arts. Was he once owned by a martial artist? Is he Yoshi reincarnated? That's something to work out in the sequel.

- When the turtles are captured have Sacks drain their blood and syhthesize his own mutagen from their DNA. When April saves them have the mutagen pumped back into them which gives them the strength to break out.

- The turtles, April and Vern return to a sewer tunnel were Raph says he moved Splinter before coming for the rest of them. Donatello examines Splinter and thinks he wont make it but they realize of the mutagen saved them it might save Splinter.

- The turtles, April and Vern infiltrate the bottom of Sacks' tower where April and Vern will procure the mutagen while the turtles battle Shredder which they deduce is on the roof.

- Sacks reveals the motivation to April that the mutagen was to create super soldiers to restore order to the city but her father wouldn't agree with seizing the city by force and destroyed the lab and all his work before he killed him.

- The rooftop battle is much the same save for no toxin. When the turtles knock Shredder off the roof the turtles celebrate until he climbs back up. April interrupts the fight with canister of mutagen and the sequence goes much the same way save for Leonardo (who really didn't do anything in the movie) gives Shredder the final blow.

There. It's not perfect but no rewrite that crapfest would ever be but that's how I'd make it at least passable.

01-14-2015, 06:45 PM
-It will be revealed the backstory of April's dad worked at the lab, and she'd visit is all the same. However, she didn't name the turtles.She didn't name them in the original film. There names were already on the tanks.

05-20-2016, 12:19 PM
Okay, this project is still alive, but I might get a chance to make it into an actual FAN COMIC adaptation of the two Bay TMNT films together. If so, I can promise you'll see all the characters with their original designs, rather than the bay looks. Also, Baxter will remain throughout both parts instead of Sachs, with TCRI instead of Sachs inc. Also, goofy scenes will be toned down to make them more serious, and I'll be following the script points I made in the first post. I just have to wait until my artist gets some free time. :)

Sweet, looking forward to it!8)

05-31-2016, 07:40 AM
Okay, this project is still alive, but I might get a chance to make it into an actual FAN COMIC adaptation of the two Bay TMNT films together. If so, I can promise you'll see all the characters with their original designs, rather than the bay looks. Also, Baxter will remain throughout both parts instead of Sachs, with TCRI instead of Sachs inc. Also, goofy scenes will be toned down to make them more serious, and I'll be following the script points I made in the first post. I just have to wait until my artist gets some free time. :)

Good luck. I know how difficult it is to secure artists so I hope you have a better chance

06-01-2016, 11:14 AM

* Vernon is killed in the final battle with Shredder.
* Develop Karai and Baxter some more.
* Possible joke about Sachs?