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View Full Version : Newcomers to Usagi Yojimbo

09-19-2016, 06:42 PM
So I've known about the rabbit ronin for years, meeting him in the Fred Wolf series as a wide-eyed idealistic kid, then again as a slightly more knowledgeable teenager watching the 4Kids series. I'd already outgrown Fred Wolf TMNT and devoured all of the Mirage/Image comics I could find, but I'd never had any interest in seeking out the TMNT/Usagi crossovers.

I finally checked out the first two TPBs from my library ("Ronin" and "Samurai")... I think I'm hooked. The first few issues were okay, I liked Usagi, but I like linear plot progression and development even more. And it just seemed like one-off anthology-style stories. It was okay. But the second volume focused on a backstory (his training and servitude to his first master) and then a few more short stories...

I liked it, a lot. Maybe not enough to purchase, but definitely enough to request the next four volumes from my library. I really love the banter between Gen and Usagi. :tlol:

Anyone else want to chime in? When did you first read Usagi, what finally convinced you to give it a try, what do I have to look forward to?

09-19-2016, 07:06 PM
My first exposure to Usagi came from one of the Mirage crossovers.
Aside from loving the characters straight away, I really dug the cartoony stile juxtaposed with the serious stories lines and themes.

Good stuff all around, and extra kudos for using the library.

09-19-2016, 07:10 PM
My first exposure to Usagi came from one of the Mirage crossovers.
Aside from loving the characters straight away, I really dug the cartoony stile juxtaposed with the serious stories lines and themes.

Good stuff all around, and extra kudos for using the library.

My library is five minutes from my office. I frequent it regularly. :tgrin:

I'll admit, the cartoony art style did throw me a bit. I have a really hard time with the old Volume 1 issues because of the art as well... but, as with Volume 1, the story and characters are digging their hooks into me.

09-19-2016, 08:47 PM
I've gotten as far as vol. 4. Loving every bit of it. If you like the serious stories and the more linear plot, you should really enjoy volumes three and four. I have liked Usagi since seeing him in the old FW toon, and even more in 4Kids. So a while back I decided to "educate" myself on his background and canon lore. Mostly I was just needing some new comics to read besides IDW TMNT. Haven't regretted it for a minute!