View Full Version : Something cool from Japan...

03-28-2004, 11:07 AM
I’m sure most of you on here are aware that the original TMNT was broadcasted in Japan around the same time that it was here. As a result, TMNT is fairly well-known in Japan; more so for the cartoons and movies than the comics. I’m sure most of you know there was even an original OVA (direct-to-video release) series about them as well. Well, my friend Sakan, whose website can be found here (http://freakfreak.littlestar.jp/), has on her site the scripts for the previews that aired at the end of some of the episodes of the original U.S. cartoon, so I asked her if I could translate them and share them with everyone here on the boards. She was pretty excited about sharing them with you guys, but she had a few concerns as well:

Firstly, please do not take these and use them without her permission (and I guess mine as the translator).

Secondly, these previews are property of the TV Tokyo, and all copyrights to where they’re due, ect.

Thirdly, these previews were fabricated by TV Tokyo staff, so please don’t take them seriously; they were having fun with the “Mutant Turtles” as they’re known over there, and some of it is improv by the voice actors. It’s for novelty sake and I figured someone would get a kick out of them. She was concerned that fans of the comic would be offended by how the characters behave in the previews, but you’ve got to keep in mind that the cartoon is what was popular over there, and it’s the Japanese interpretation of the characters. Common themes are the guys flirting with April and pretending not to be drinking alcoholic beverages when Master Splinter comes around. Probably wouldn’t fly in the States.

Here are the first few, and I’ll be posting more when I get the opportunity to translate them. Notes from me are in parentheses.

(Note: There were no previews for episodes 1-5, and she doesn’t have episode 6 on her site yet)

Episode 7: Introducing the Mutant Frogs (U.S. = Episode 13: Invasion of the Punk Frogs)
April: Suddenly mutagen fell from the sky, turning four frogs into mutants. Shredder then deceives the frogs to make them his lackeys. In the city, the mutant frogs’ crime spree is believed to be the Turtles’ work, and an Anti-Turtle league is organized. And so, the Turtles, Shredder and the frogs, and the Anti-Turtle League’s three-way battle begins! Next time is “Introducing the Mutant Frogs!” Be sure to watch!

Episode 8: The Terrifying Pizza Monsters! (U.S. = Episode 11: Case of the Killer Pizzas)
Michelangelo: Say, April. Out of the four of us, who is the most your type?
April: What!? Being asked that out of the blue like this…I…well, uh…
Donatello: Don’t be bashful! Tell us!
April: To tell the truth, your faces and names are still a blur to me.
Turtles unison: *groan*
Mikey: The one with the yellow bandana is me, the cute Michelangelo! (They consider the color of Mikey’s bandana yellow [ki-iro] in Japanese instead of orange [oreenji-iro, which is a more vibrant orange], which is what they used here, kind of like how people there also call what we consider green traffic lights “blue” instead of “green” because of the shade of green that it is. Also, he used the English word for “cute” here, or in Japanese pronunciation “kyuuto”)
Leonardo: Blue is for the charming Leonardo!
Raphael: Red is the adorable Raphael!
Donatello: Purple is Donatello! Be sure and remember that, okay! April: Bit of a demand, but I’ll try…
Leonardo: Next time on the Mutant Turtles: "The Terrifying Pizza Monsters!" Don’t miss it!

Episode 9: Sakan’s got that in the works

Episode 10: The Case of the Enigmatic Monster Flower (U.S. = Episode 8: It Came From Beneath the Sewers)
Krang: Sawaki-chan!! When are you going to finish off those blasted turtles!? (Note: Krang talks like an old lady, and Shredder’s real name is changed to Oroku Sawaki to sound more authentically Japanese)
Shredder: Don’t be so impatient, you octopus! I will get them for sure this time!
Krang: I’m counting on it!
Shredder: And then, I’ll put a stop to that smart-alecky title for a TV show, “Mutant Turtles!” How about something like “Shredder and Friends?” Ah, yes, that’s the ticket! That’ll grab their attention! The toys will be flying off the shelves! And WE’LL sing the theme song!! Wa ha ha, there’s no end!!
Krang: Augh!! Quiet! Do the preview already!
Shredder: Silence, octopus! Next time, it’s the “Case of the Enigmatic Monster Flower!” Watch it or else!

Episode 11: Computer Panic! (U.S. = Episode 9: The Mean Machines)
April: Hey, guys? Turtles: Yes, April?
Mikey: If it’s a love confession, then it’s best left when it’s just the two of us, okay?
April: No, it’s not that! I have a question. Why is it you guys always eat nothing but pizza?
Leonardo: Well, it’s got a variety of ingredients, so it’s good for a balanced diet, and when there’s an emergency you can eat it on the run!
Mikey: No, that’s not it at all! It’s just cause it tastes good!
Raphael: Could it be you're trying to charm April with that honor student façade?
Leonardo: Nooo, of course I wouldn’t…
Donatello: Your face is turning red.
Leo: More importantly than that, there’s an emergency! The machines all over the city are running amuck! Mikey: Aha! He changed the subject! Leo: Next time, “Computer Panic!” Look forward to it!
Mikey: Hm…

Hope you enjoy them!

03-28-2004, 12:31 PM
I've always liked it when they did previews for upcoming episode and they had fun banter going on between the characters, i.e. Cowboy Bebop...

Thanks for sharing those...

03-28-2004, 12:41 PM
Wow, Sakan's got a cute little site! I love those pictures in the Character section--she has awesome talent!

Thank you for the information. It was very funny. :lol:

Hyper Metal Sonic
03-28-2004, 12:52 PM
This kind of makes me wonder...

Is the new show playing in Japan? How popular is it there?

03-28-2004, 01:14 PM
Cool, I'm glad you guys like 'em! Sakan does have a lot of talent...I love her illustrations and fan comics.This kind of makes me wonder...

Is the new show playing in Japan? How popular is it there? It hasn't been released over there yet (plans haven't even been announced), so the fans of the Turtles there have been ordering the videos/DVDs off of Amazon and watching them in raw English, like hardcore anime fans do over here in Japanese. :wink: I imagine there's a possibility they'll dub it and air it in due time...

Dane E5R
03-28-2004, 01:24 PM
Is there anyway to contact Sakan? Her art is incredible and I'd love to talk to her sometime.

Bourgeois Buffoon
03-28-2004, 01:35 PM

That's a great site and work! By all means, send my compliments about it to her! o_o

03-28-2004, 01:37 PM
Well, she says she doesn't understand English, but I'm sure she can at least have short conversations...I told her about this forum, so maybe she'll become a member and join this thread. I'll talk to her about it...until then, if there's anything in particular you'd like to say to her, just let me know. She also frequents the message board on this other great Japanese TMNT site: (http://www.ne.jp/asahi/ntrl/turtles/).

Jarrah White
03-28-2004, 01:48 PM
Yeah, that's great art. I'd like to see her do my character....

03-28-2004, 02:27 PM
Sakan's website is really cool, I've linked it. I love the artwork in the journal, really neat stuff!

the previews are hilarious.

Love confession...man that sure sounds like good ol mikey...the cute one, bah!

03-28-2004, 02:34 PM
Heh, definetly neat artwork. They should commision her to do a Japanese TMNT comic :).

Orochi Chimera
03-28-2004, 04:22 PM
I've been there before. It has some nice artwork.

Hyper Metal Sonic
03-28-2004, 06:34 PM
I love how the profile pages have both designs for the characters of April and Splinter...old and new.

03-28-2004, 10:49 PM
Those are really funny. It's quite interesting to see how they've changed TMNT to fit their standards much like how we've changed anime in the west to fit our standards.

Looking forward to seeing more.


03-29-2004, 11:52 AM
I can speak Japanese, too bad my computer screen can't display the characters. I'd love to read the site.

Never the less, those comics were pretty cute. I like the site.

Wish I could get my hands on some Japanese episodes of the series or the manga. I have the two OVAs on DVD, and they're rather good (in a "laugh at it" sort of way).

Anyway, if I can ever figure out how to get my computer screen to display Japanese characters I'm sure I'd be able to enjoy her site to the fullest.

03-29-2004, 01:39 PM
Sakan's website is really cool, I've linked it. I love the artwork in the journal, really neat stuff!

the previews are hilarious.

Love confession...man that sure sounds like good ol mikey...the cute one, bah!

I love it too. And if she actualy has those skins in the sims I really wanna know how she got or made them X.x I've been looking for good TMNT Sim skins for sometimes now, only to find really bad looking ones or ones that are no longer avialable.

03-30-2004, 03:33 PM
Those are really funny. It's quite interesting to see how they've changed TMNT to fit their standards much like how we've changed anime in the west to fit our standards.

Yeah.,.. but they've seemed to make them better/ funnier... over here we just ruin them... thank you very much, Standards and Practices!

03-30-2004, 06:12 PM
Anyway, if I can ever figure out how to get my computer screen to display Japanese characters I'm sure I'd be able to enjoy her site to the fullest.I recommend www.njstar.com. That’s what I use, anyway. :twink:

And I’ll ask Sakan about the Sims skins for you this weekend, Megumi-san.

Here are a few more previews:

(Episodes 12 & 13 in the works)
Episode 14: The Big Cowabunga Operation! (U.S. = Cowabunga Shredhead )
April: Say, Michelangelo.
Mike: You know me, I’ve kept my schedule completely blank! So, should we go to the aquarium on our date?
April: *sigh* No, not that! I’ve got a question! What on earth does “Cowabunga” mean?
Mike: Oh, that! It’s a handy little word that’s got lots of meanings, depending on how you use it!
April: So, how does it go when you want to say, “Alright, I did it!”?
April: And “Aw, bummer?”
Mikey: Cowabungaaa…
April: And when you want to say, “I love you?”
Mikey: Cowabunga. *snickers*
April: …I see.
Mikey: Next time, “The Big Cowabunga Operation!” Watch it with your friends!

Episode 15: The Turtles vs. Robocop (U.S. = New York’s Shiniest)
Mikey: Say April, how come you always wear a yellow jumpsuit?
April: Oh, this? Now that you mention it…I can sit cross-legged wherever I go, and since when I have a story, I have to run around a lot, you know? But in my private life, I do wear skirts at times.
Mikey: Oo, nice!
April: *sexy laugh* Mm hm hm…it feels like thiiis after a shower.
Mikey: Oh, well that’s…you know.
April: What do you mean, “you know?”
Mikey: *sings* Oh, heh heh heh, that’s confidential.
April: Well, more importantly, there’s something horrible! Robocop has come to attack! Next time, “The Turtles vs. Robocop!” Look forward to it!

(WOW…April is a tease…can it be she likes flirting with younger men? :tanime: )

Episode 16 : Michelangelo’s First Love!? (U.S. = Teenagers from Dimension X)
Leo: Hey! You guys know!?
Raph: Nope.
Leo: Well, I haven’t said anything yet, have I?
Raph: True.
Don: Well, what is it?
Leo: Our little Michelangelo has a crush!
Raph: What!? W-well, who is she!? C’mon c’mon c’mon!
Leo: *sings* Well, *I* know who she is!
Don: Then tell us!!
Leo: *sings* Nope! Not gonna! Nya nya!
Raph: C’mon already and spit it out!!
Leo: Will you guys promise to take me more seriously as leader?
Don: We promise, so come on!!
Leo: And the next time we get pizza, you’ll give me the biggest slice?
Raph: Well…I’ll even give you two!
Leo: Oops, time’s up! Next time, “Michelangelo’s First Love!?” Look forward to it!
Don: Not a chance, baby! (Yes, he really did say baby…or “beibii” in Japanese; the “not a chance” or “you‘ve got to be kidding” part is a pop culture saying kind of like “yo mama” or “whatcha talkin’ ’bout, Willis?” or something…not exactly sure where it originates though)

03-30-2004, 06:55 PM
Cool, I'm glad you guys like 'em! Sakan does have a lot of talent...I love her illustrations and fan comics.This kind of makes me wonder...

Is the new show playing in Japan? How popular is it there? It hasn't been released over there yet (plans haven't even been announced), so the fans of the Turtles there have been ordering the videos/DVDs off of Amazon and watching them in raw English, like hardcore anime fans do over here in Japanese. :wink: I imagine there's a possibility they'll dub it and air it in due time...

...and it'll be BETTER than what we got...
(Children japanese shows are allowed to use words such as sh**,hell, damn and Oh my God (to them it's just like saying shoot,heck, darnand Oh my gosh, so instead of the what the shell puns, they'll be allowed to say what the hell)

Anyway, this is a pretty SWEET site. Thanks for sharing it :)

03-30-2004, 08:59 PM
(Children japanese shows are allowed to use words such as sh**,hell, damn and Oh my God (to them it's just like saying shoot,heck, darnand Oh my gosh, so instead of the what the shell puns, they'll be allowed to say what the hell)
That's a half-truth.Words like that aren't really considered swear words in Japan. When anime gets translated, esspecially in fan subs, sometimes they'll translate certain words and phrases as english swear words. So it might seem like Japanese animation is full of adult swearing, but that's simply one way of interpreting the Japanese original. I personally think that fansubbers put too much swearing in their work.


03-30-2004, 09:10 PM
(Children japanese shows are allowed to use words such as sh**,hell, damn and Oh my God (to them it's just like saying shoot,heck, darnand Oh my gosh, so instead of the what the shell puns, they'll be allowed to say what the hell)

That's a half-truth.Words like that aren't really considered swear words in Japan.


That's precisely what I meant when I said "(to them it's just like saying shoot,heck, darn and Oh my gosh)"

J Legault
03-30-2004, 09:13 PM
Great Japenese website. nice detail on the New Show TMNT. I love how Sakan compares the old and new together.

I like the April Duo the most :lol:

I can picture The old shredder and new Shredder compare together in neat poses.

Or maybe Krang and the Red Utrom both with an evil grin on their face :D

Savanti Romero
03-30-2004, 10:42 PM
Dude thats a lot to read mayb u could make a summary

Mecha Cow
03-31-2004, 09:13 AM
And if she actualy has those skins in the sims I really wanna know how she got or made them X.x I've been looking for good TMNT Sim skins for sometimes now, only to find really bad looking ones or ones that are no longer avialable.

Those TMNT skins for the Sims can be found here (http://isi.msspro.com/indepc/turtle.html).

03-31-2004, 09:18 AM
And if she actualy has those skins in the sims I really wanna know how she got or made them X.x I've been looking for good TMNT Sim skins for sometimes now, only to find really bad looking ones or ones that are no longer avialable.

Those TMNT skins for the Sims can be found here (http://isi.msspro.com/indepc/turtle.html).

And I’ll ask Sakan about the Sims skins for you this weekend, Megumi-san.

Many thanks to you both. Yay now my TMNT Sims won't be stuck as humans. Heh Splinter's still human though ^.^

03-31-2004, 09:36 AM
I recommend www.njstar.com. That’s what I use, anyway. :twink:

Episode 15: The Turtles vs. Robocop (U.S. = New York’s Shiniest)
Mikey: Say April, how come you always wear a yellow jumpsuit?
April: Oh, this? Now that you mention it…I can sit cross-legged wherever I go, and since when I have a story, I have to run around a lot, you know? But in my private life, I do wear skirts at times.
Mikey: Oo, nice!
April: *sexy laugh* Mm hm hm…it feels like thiiis after a shower.
Mikey: Oh, well that’s…you know.
April: What do you mean, “you know?”
Mikey: *sings* Oh, heh heh heh, that’s confidential.
April: Well, more importantly, there’s something horrible! Robocop has come to attack! Next time, “The Turtles vs. Robocop!” Look forward to it!

Hey, thanks for the link! :)

And do they really call him Robocop? Jeez, we'd get a lawsuit if that happened in our country...

03-31-2004, 12:02 PM
That's a half-truth.Words like that aren't really considered swear words in Japan. When anime gets translated, esspecially in fan subs, sometimes they'll translate certain words and phrases as english swear words. So it might seem like Japanese animation is full of adult swearing, but that's simply one way of interpreting the Japanese original. I personally think that fansubbers put too much swearing in their work.


But there is a heck of a lot of nudity in there... buy a bootlegg of Dragon Ball (the original, not Z or anything)... Goku spends the first 2 episodes running around full frontal nekkid...

It's times like that I'm GLAD they censor stuff like that over here... ick! They even made a figure like that. I guess they're more rlaxed about that stuff over there...

>>Episode 15: The Turtles vs. Robocop (U.S. = New York’s Shiniest)
Mikey: Say April, how come you always wear a yellow jumpsuit?
April: Oh, this? Now that you mention it…I can sit cross-legged wherever I go, and since when I have a story, I have to run around a lot, you know? But in my private life, I do wear skirts at times.
Mikey: Oo, nice!
April: *sexy laugh* Mm hm hm…it feels like thiiis after a shower.
Mikey: Oh, well that’s…you know.
April: What do you mean, “you know?”
Mikey: *sings* Oh, heh heh heh, that’s confidential.
April: Well, more importantly, there’s something horrible! Robocop has come to attack!<<

WOW! It took us YEARS to hear someone on the show making fun of her uber 80's juimpsuit!

03-31-2004, 01:24 PM
Dude thats a lot to read mayb u could make a summary Well, if I made a summary for each preview, chances are it'd wind up being longer than just translating the previews themselves, as long-winded as I am. :tanime:
And do they really call him Robocop? Jeez, we'd get a lawsuit if that happened in our country... Heh, I guess you could even translate it as "The Robocop" or "A Robocop" as to not confuse him with THE Robocop. But yeah, that's what they called him! :trazz:

Orochi Chimera
04-01-2004, 10:54 AM
And do they really call him Robocop? Jeez, we'd get a lawsuit if that happened in our country... Heh, I guess you could even translate it as "The Robocop" or "A Robocop" as to not confuse him with THE Robocop. But yeah, that's what they called him! :trazz:

That's interesting that they actually call him that.

Machias Banshee
04-04-2004, 04:39 PM
*squeals* You got Toddler turtles!!!!!!


:goofygri: :D :D

Psycho Raph
04-10-2004, 01:43 AM
Shredder: Don’t be so impatient, you octopus!

That's some funny stuff there. :tlol:

Of course, Karma strikes in the end and with the new toon, Shredder is the Octopus! :ttwisted:

Ninja Tiptup
04-11-2004, 11:42 PM
Very impressive art! Give her my reguards.