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Andrew NDB 02-17-2017 11:07 AM

I still say a new "good" Force user order is going to start. That's not called "Jedi."

NinjaPug 02-17-2017 11:12 AM

That's my guess too. I think Luke will put the archaic ways of the Jedi to rest in this movie.

TheSkeletonMan939 02-17-2017 11:13 AM

I hope so. There's no reason at all to want to restore the "Jedi Order". The Jedi Order was the worst, most ineffectual band of morons in the galaxy. Forget the Jedi, Luke, just do your own thing.

Andrew NDB 02-17-2017 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by NinjaPug (Post 1660847)
That's my guess too. I think Luke will put the archaic ways of the Jedi to rest in this movie.

Yep. It doesn't mean he's dying, either.

NinjaPug 02-17-2017 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by TheSkeletonMan939 (Post 1660848)
I hope so. There's no reason at all to want to restore the "Jedi Order". The Jedi Order was the worst, most ineffectual band of morons in the galaxy. Forget the Jedi, Luke, just do your own thing.

Plus he tried rebuilding the Order after ROTJ and it failed again

CyberCubed 02-17-2017 11:40 AM

Anyone get the feeling Finn and Poe will be marginalized in this movie completely? It's probably going to focus almost entirely on Rey and Luke, and whatever scenes Leia has in the movie.

Shark_Blade 02-17-2017 11:58 AM

I look forward to Finn making out with Poe.

Finn is still wearing Poe's jacket in the sequel I see. :D

TheSkeletonMan939 02-17-2017 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by CyberCubed (Post 1660853)
Anyone get the feeling Finn and Poe will be marginalized in this movie completely? It's probably going to focus almost entirely on Rey and Luke, and whatever scenes Leia has in the movie.

That would be great. I don't care about Finn or Poe at all.

Andrew NDB 02-17-2017 12:16 PM

As long as they have enough going on to justify their presences I'm fine with them being marginalized. And what's-her-name Chrometrooper better actually do something this time.

TheSkeletonMan939 02-17-2017 12:22 PM

I thought she blew up.

CyberCubed 02-17-2017 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by TheSkeletonMan939 (Post 1660865)
That would be great. I don't care about Finn or Poe at all.

Finn's role is basically the funny comic relief black guy, like Chris Tucker, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Danny Glover, or any of the other token sidekick black guys in big movies.

I expect him to have a lot of funny scenes, but nothing in terms of the main plot.

sdp 02-17-2017 02:15 PM

It's also a plural translation in spanish "Los Ultimos Jedi" I saw it this morning.

Originally Posted by Andrew NDB (Post 1660866)
As long as they have enough going on to justify their presences I'm fine with them being marginalized. And what's-her-name Chrometrooper better actually do something this time.

Captain Phasma was such a cool character and while it would've been disappointing that she had a tiny role what killed her character for me was how easily she was disposed of and "put her in the garbage disposal". Wow, with that line they killed any hope to ever have her be a legitimate threat.

CyberCubed 02-17-2017 03:13 PM

She's basically this generations version of Boba Fett. The cool looking character in the movie who everyone likes yet the character themselves never actually do anything interesting in said movies.

Andrew NDB 02-17-2017 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by CyberCubed (Post 1660890)
She's basically this generations version of Boba Fett. The cool looking character in the movie who everyone likes yet the character themselves never actually do anything interesting in said movies.

Though it'd kind of more be like... if Boba Fett ended up in the Sarlacc Pit in Empire, and with even less screentime than Boba in Empire. That's Phasma so far.

ZariusTwo 02-27-2017 01:11 PM

They may be reshoots and several of Carrie's scenes could be left out

Andrew NDB 02-27-2017 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by ZariusTwo (Post 1663405)
They may be reshoots and several of Carrie's scenes could be left out

Since I believe they'd want to use pretty much everything Carrie shot for Episode 8, I believe it'd be to pad out what she shot, possibly "saving" some of the footage and shifting it into Episode 9, or just working in some kind of death.

Though I doubt death. That'd be very poor taste. The actress dies, and less than a year later they retroactively make her character die in Episode 8? That's horrible. If I had to bet, I'd bet it'd be the former... pad out what they have, save some Fisher footage for 9 and kill Leia somehow in that one. Or they could just begin with Episode 9 mentioning Leia's death in the opening crawl. Probably that, actually.

TheSkeletonMan939 02-27-2017 01:36 PM

If they're going to kill off Leia between episode 8 and 9 (I guess they pretty much have to) I'd rather it not be in the opening crawl at all; that'd be a rather impersonal way to break the news.

CyberCubed 02-27-2017 02:09 PM

Isn't her real life daughter Billie Lourd one of the people in the film? Why don't they just give Leia's role in Episode 9 to her instead? It would be a nice tribute to her mother in real life.

MikeandRaph87 02-27-2017 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by CyberCubed (Post 1663426)
Isn't her real life daughter Billie Lourd one of the people in the film? Why don't they just give Leia's role in Episode 9 to her instead? It would be a nice tribute to her mother in real life.

She is just a background character. I believe they met in January to decide if an actress such as the one in Rouge One or Billie herself be the body double with a digital face of the deceased plastered on them in post production like with Grand Moff Tarkin. It seems they decided not to. I know it sucks especially when it seemed she would be the center classic character of Episode 9.

Andrew NDB 02-27-2017 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by MikeandRaph87 (Post 1663440)
I know it sucks especially when it seemed she would be the center classic character of Episode 9.

She wouldn't have been. She specifically agreed to reprise Leia only on the condition that it required no heavy lifting, acting-wise. But now she would have probably been in 9 more than 7.

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