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Jester 07-13-2014 03:09 AM

This post my wife put on Facebook:

Even though it's late and I've made a bad habit of not posting enough (a couple times per month really isn't enough when many of yer friends and family live out of state), I wanted to post how sweet Trey is. When he came home from his sleepover at Nona and Pops' house, he followed me to the bathroom, pointed at my bedroom door, and said quietly, "Dad sick." Kevin was sick for a little while yesterday, and Trey felt bad for him then and today. I explained to him that Dad was feeling better. It made Trey happy to hear that. He wanted to see Kevin, but he had already went to work for tonight. It made Trey sad. Trey really loves his Dad. Kevin loves Trey even more

BubblyShell22 07-13-2014 08:08 AM

Awww, that is the sweetest thing! Poor Trey! He really does love his daddy and his mommy. Your wife is such a sweetheart, Kev. You're lucky to have her in your life.

What made me happy: Watching a new episode of Cops yesterday and seeing Fifth Harmony on the Today show on Friday.

Icebot 07-13-2014 03:21 PM

Again, nothing. It ain't happening. My hopes for being happy are gone.

BubblyShell22 07-13-2014 04:37 PM

I'm so sorry to hear that, Icebot. Maybe you just need a hug. *hugs*

Mzx10484 07-13-2014 04:39 PM

Germany is world champion !!

pennydreadful 07-13-2014 10:46 PM

My kid sister getting a job with Guide Dogs made me happy today. :D

BubblyShell22 07-14-2014 04:13 PM

Eating a Little Caesar's Deep Deep Dish cheese pizza made me happy today. Man, that thing is good.

Dawnatello Turtle Chick 07-14-2014 04:18 PM

We finally went grocery shopping and I can't explain how awesome it is to have actual food in the house again! I've spent so long eating everyone's leftovers and whatever no one wanted because I always make sure my son gets to eat the healthiest stuff and then I have to dig around awhile... Man I feel like I'm eating like royalty for the last couple days!!!

With my son visiting my sister for the weekend my hubby & I made hamburgers and I had one with cheese, barbecue sauce, bread and butter pickles with coleslaw on top- oh my gosh, best burger ever!!! I actually had a nightmare that night that Saddle Sore & Boot Hill Buzzard (henchmen from Cowboys of Moo Mesa cartoon) had kidnapped my husband and were torturing him to find the whereabouts of that burger... I'm kind of scared of my subconscious now.

Icebot 07-14-2014 05:46 PM

Good news! I finally have happiness to report! I didn't suffer like I did the last 2 days so that made me happy!

Also my favorite contestant on the tv show Food Network Star moved on to the next round.

pennydreadful 07-14-2014 09:58 PM

Good to hear, Icebot. :)

BubblyShell22 07-15-2014 07:06 AM

Glad to hear things are looking up for you, Icebot.

My day hasn't started yet but going grocery shopping with my mom always makes me happy.

ObiWanFan4life 07-15-2014 09:53 AM

Jester, you must be extremely lucky to have a wife and son like that. Also, Congratulations, Icebot, Here's to hoping for 3 days without pain. As for me, I couldn't help but crack a smile at the new trailer for Disney's Big Hero 6.

Metroid 07-15-2014 11:41 AM

What made me happy today? I got to go shopping, and i might be getting a new car pretty soon, only problem is I need to swap the Engine and Tranny from another car to it.

Icebot 07-15-2014 03:23 PM

My sister told me how much she loves me. That means a lot to me!

Netkeeper 07-15-2014 03:38 PM

Watched some Star Wars with my dad today.

MsMarvelDuckie 07-15-2014 06:49 PM

What made me happy- snagged the LAST figure of April from the new movie they had at Wal-Mart today, and also found some of the TMNT Pringles cans. Much cool-age! Also picked up a copy of Thor: The Dark World, too, so I have more Marvel goodness to watch at home now! I've made a point of collecting all of the Marvel movies. (Except Amazing Spider-Man movies- I'm still on the fence about those.)

Dawnatello Turtle Chick 07-15-2014 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by MsMarvelDuckie (Post 1304066)
What made me happy- snagged the LAST figure of April from the new movie they had at Wal-Mart today, and also found some of the TMNT Pringles cans. Much cool-age! Also picked up a copy of Thor: The Dark World, too, so I have more Marvel goodness to watch at home now! I've made a point of collecting all of the Marvel movies. (Except Amazing Spider-Man movies- I'm still on the fence about those.)

Duckie!!! Those Amazing Spiderman movies are so much better than the Tobey Maquire trilogy. Granted, I haven't seen the 2nd one yet but I have it on good authority that it's pretty good. But seriously, the Amazing Spiderman movie was so much better than the earlier Trilogy. They make so much more sense and stay in line with the comics better. But seriously, we are the same way about the Marvel movies- they're like Pokemon, gotta catch em all! Lol

MsMarvelDuckie 07-15-2014 07:24 PM

I have to disagree there, Dawnatello. I actually like the three Raimi movies better than I did the first A S-M movie. I didn't even bother with the new one, as I was so disappointed with the first installment. The other three FELT more like a Spidey movie should- angst, conflict between his two "lives", and a definite "everyman" and "comic book" feel. Octavius especially, and Sandman as well, were both wonderfully done. I liked Venom, in spite of the slightly jarring lack of his trademark "we" instead of "I" in his speech. Everything else about those movies was great- and Toby was much more convincing as Peter than Garfield was, IMHO. Whoever thought a Cullen should play Peter (even if it wasn't Edward) was nuts. He's a pretty (albeit nerdy) face, and not much else. I'd call him geek-chic.

To me, the only thing the AS-M movie has done right was Garfield's banter as Spidey, and the incorporation of Peter's parents' past. Lizard was mediocre, and by using Gwen, while more true to the actual continuity, it just automatically leads into the inevitable story of her death, which left me not really caring as much about her, knowing how she will eventually end up. Add in that I liked Bryce Dallas Howard's Gwen better, and I just feel like the AS-M movies are sort of a let-down after what we got from Raimi, who is a long-time Spidey fan- and it showed in his films.

Dawnatello Turtle Chick 07-15-2014 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by MsMarvelDuckie (Post 1304096)
I have to disagree there, Dawnatello. I actually like the three Raimi movies better than I did the first A S-M movie. I didn't even bother with the new one, as I was so disappointed with the first installment. The other three FELT more like a Spidey movie should- angst, conflict between his two "lives", and a definite "everyman" and "comic book" feel. Octavius especially, and Sandman as well, were both wonderfully done. I liked Venom, in spite of the slightly jarring lack of his trademark "we" instead of "I" in his speech. Everything else about those movies was great- and Toby was much more convincing as Peter than Garfield was, IMHO. Whoever thought a Cullen should play Peter (even if it wasn't Edward) was nuts. He's a pretty (albeit nerdy) face, and not much else. I'd call him geek-chic.

To me, the only thing the AS-M movie has done right was Garfield's banter as Spidey, and the incorporation of Peter's parents' past. Lizard was mediocre, and by using Gwen, while more true to the actual continuity, it just automatically leads into the inevitable story of her death, which left me not really caring as much about her, knowing how she will eventually end up. Add in that I liked Bryce Dallas Howard's Gwen better, and I just feel like the AS-M movies are sort of a let-down after what we got from Raimi, who is a long-time Spidey fan- and it showed in his films.

I definitely have to agree with you about the villians for the most part in the Raimi films, but I just can't get into Tobey Maguire. He's just so whiney... I think that was what largely turns me off of that Trilogy. However, I have to disagree about Garfield, I think he plays a better Spiderman, with my only real gripe being that he was a little too self-confident before becoming Spiderman. I was unaware of him being in any Twilight films since I avoid them like the plague, vampires, shouldn't glitter... but I've liked Garfield in a few other things I've seen him in and I appreciate his approach to acting.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Que sera sera and all that.

***Edit- I could really get behind a Raimi directed Amazing Spiderman film with Andrew Garfield as Spidey... or basically anyone but Tobey. Angst should not be so whiney... Tobey could never pull off emo, lol. I have a feeling that as a teenager his mother probably wanted to back hand him a lot- "Stop whining all the damn time Tobey!" The only thing I ever liked him in was Seabiscuit, but even then, the horse out-acted him.

BubblyShell22 07-16-2014 04:34 PM

Wait, Andrew Garfield was in the Twilight movies. Who did he play? Yes, I'm a Twi-hard and proud of it, so there you go.

What made me happy: Eating KFC. Yum!

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