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Old 07-25-2017, 09:40 AM   #20
Megan Fox = April
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Any good documentary has to twist an angle and edit it so there can be a narrative, that doesn't mean "bad" for them to do it since it's what you have to do to make it more compelling.

But yeah you have to take it with a grain of salt and know that it's not all "one sided" like documentaries make it out to be, whether it's blackfish or even an inconvenient truth which are both excellent documentaries and I'm on "their" side of the issue, you have to know that they choose the interview scenes to make people look "bad' or "good" depending on their narrative.

Using King of Kong as an example, the "bad guy" Billy Mitchell is actually one of the the "good guys" in "man vs snake". He was really mad how he was portrayed in King of Kong but he made such an excellent villain there, not to mention that even if that angle was played out, you can tell from interviews that Mitchell even if not the huge Jerk that he is in king of kongs, definitely has a "strong" personality and likely a Trump voter but he isn't a huge ****ing bad guy as much as Leonard Cohen's "Everybody Knows plays in the background and with your feelings.
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