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Old 07-18-2015, 12:01 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Peanut View Post
Bumping this, because I wanna talk about a few things. J-Stars got me to look into some stuff and I've kinda done a bit of anime/manga binge watching/reading in the last two weeks. The last time I did this, several years ago, I got heavily into One Piece, so god help me.

I picked HunterXHunter back up at around episode 20 where I left off and I'm glad I did. The Yorknew arc was bad ass. That sh*t gets mad dark! I just finished off the Chimera Ant Arc, which according to the Internet is among the best written arcs in any shonen anime/manga ever. I can see why they say it, because there's slightly more depth to the villains than normal, but...for real? That's the high bar? Good lord. Glad it's over, but knowing there isn't much more before the series latest hiatus also kinda bums me out.

I also started watching Toriko, before researching and immediately switching to the manga, which is brutal as all hell! I just finished reading the BB Corn arc and I'm looking forward to continuing it. As stupid as the premise is it's weirdly entertaining.

I tried to do my due diligence and watch some DBZ also, but that sh*t is mad ugly and mad old and I just couldn't do it.
I was gonna watch Toriko once I finished Fullmetal Alchemist, but is the manga better? What made you switch?

Also, K-On is pretty badass, hardcore sh*t.
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