Thread: Cancer sucks...
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Old 02-03-2016, 06:52 PM   #2
Stone Warrior
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My aunt Linda had thyroid cancer back in 2008 which caused her to lose a LOT of weight, she looked sickly and people assumed she was anorexic. She managed to get through it with determination and will power or at least that's what I believe helped survive something large like cancer can be. There's a few people who tend to live long lives after getting diagnosed as well as any other kind of situation which could end your life. Hope, faith, will power, and stubbornness tends to be the overall theme I see/hear from stories where people manage to get through.
Some folks say that we're all born with cancer cells which means we all have a possibility of getting it but I see it more toward the chemical reaction within our cells to the kind of lives we have in this modern time. Our food is mega processed through chemicals and other unnatural means in order to mass produce and it's just once in a while we get this to occur.

As much as I'm sorry to hear this is the 2nd big scare and will definitely hit home real hard especially will shake faith and one's drive in life. The only advice I can give is be with her often, help her push through and help her maintain that strong spirit she has. The more determination she has can help but we can only wait to see how the process goes. The chance is always there for both good and bad, even a 20% chance of survival is more than enough for a human to push through as unlikely as it seems.

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