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Old 09-29-2018, 05:44 PM   #2
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I find the timing of the accusation suspect.
That said, I do tend to believe that this woman did live through something. I'm just not sure she is correct in her recollection.

I'm reminded of the innocence project and how many men it freed based on DNA evidence. Each of those men's accusers were also certain that the right man was behind bars. They were wrong. I have a suspicion that's the same situation here.

That third accuser has made similar accusations in the past and she was shown to be lying at that time.

The second accuser apparently just saw him flashing a crowd. Big deal.

So what are we left with? One person making a claim another making another. There is no actual evidence backing up Ford's claims, and while I believe her I can't trust her entirely because she is being used as a pawn in this entire situation.
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