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Old 06-29-2014, 10:16 AM   #86
Merchandise Maniac
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Ok, first of all...AMAZING episode. Probably my favorite so far. Splinter and Shredder's past/backstory revealed some more, Karai finally being rescued and joining the turtles, Splinter being so happy to have his daughter back, everything looking good for them....BUT NO! Karai got mutated! WHY!?I'm not angry about it or anything but I just feel so terrible for the guys now, especially Splinter, he is DEVASTATED! Even Shredder was upset, which was nice because it shows that he does in fact care about Karai. I really can't believe they actually mutated her...I mean, I knew it was going to happen...but, for her mutant form, it's not at all what I expected. I was really expecting her to turn into Venus, but then I remembered that the mutagen was altered so it would mutate people/mutants into serpents, Splinter's (rat's) enemy/predator. Her design is crazy and off the wall, but still very menacing...but we saw her turn back into her human (ish?) form at the end, so...? Very curious to see how this will all play out. Is she evil know, can she still think like a human? Can she still remember everything/everyone? Wow, is all I can say about this episode. It was so great and I was on the edge of my seat and actually screaming at the TV at certain parts I really hope Donnie will be able to cure her, why was he so unsure? Is it because the mutagen that mutated her was altered? Who knows. So many questions I have...I could ramble on for longer, but I'm sure you get the point of how I feel about all of this. I'm definitely a little upset about Karai mutating, she was my second favorite character on the show. I need the next episode NOW! AHHHHH!
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