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Old 07-01-2017, 06:52 PM   #6
Megan Fox = April
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I know exactly how you feel and I feel the same way, it's crazy the decade is already ending when I feel it barely started. I remember 2011 very vividly.

Don't fall to routine and time starts going slower, if you keep doing new stuff and changing the stuff that you do, by the end of the year you feel like you had a good year. But when you keep the same job and do the same thing all year it flies by. Also thinking "the year is almost finished" doesn't help at all since you're already feeling like the year is ending when you still have time and you yourself by living in a state "oh it's basically over" you don't get to enjoy the present as much.

I also have to say, going to school makes the year feel longer, ever since I got back to University it has also helped me feel the years are longer. If it wasn't for being in college again I'd likely be 5 years older right now now Another thing I like to do is achieve as much as you can per year, so by the end of it you can say "oh that year wasn't wasted because I learned to ____, ____ and _____", so yeah, get out and do stuff. It has changed my perspective in life a lot.
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