Thread: [Fan Art] Mostly Utroms
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Old 07-25-2016, 10:52 PM   #41
Resident overthinker
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Yes, she is.

I have a few sketches to show, rather than full color stuff. The'll be a bit on the large side.

Ch'rell and Krang staying up late and making plans for a thing.

Xeinos and Leatherhead. I'm not terribly happy with how Leatherhead turned out, but that's what final versions are for.
One of these is IDW-centered with "what if Xeinos stumbled upon Leatherhead before finding out what he did, and managed to take off his incarceration belt". Granted, he probably wouldn't have given her the chance.

Things don't bode well for the Utrom in the hip section of a double-tier android.

Sure, it's a good job. It has security. Pays for the kids to go to college and keeps the bills in check. But is it too much to ask not to be level with human crotches all day?

And a full skeleton concept. It's not the best and I still need to figure out that "shoulder" joint, but it's my best yet.

It's based on Santolouco's style, where their legs definitely signify hard parts in their bodies. There's a lot to suggest that they have a skeletal structure of some kind. Especially in the 'face'. But their tentacles don't have bone. However, they're far more rigid and muscly than an octopus', which has so many nerves that each tentacle practically has a mind of its own.

I have a lot of ideas about Utrom biology, including the ones I probably shouldn't be talking about here.

Last edited by Utrommaniac; 02-10-2017 at 06:34 PM.
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