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Old 05-12-2017, 01:13 PM   #69
Big Blue Boy Scout
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Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: New Bark Town
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Ever since I moved into my new apartment 2 months ago, I've been having experiences similar to those described by Vegita San, except that all of my flatmates (4) have validated my experiences and claimed they've experienced strange stuff.

Today at dawn, during the time of my morning prayer, I kept on hearing this distorted noise coming from my room, sounding somewhat like my phone alarm. It was like the noise was trying to distract me from prayer and devotion, and after realizing that I continued praying as I normally do without investigating until I finished. Turns out when I investigated, my phone didn't have any alarm go off and I couldn't find any reasonable explanation for this noise.

At other times, I've been hearing weird shuffling noises under my bed, like the noise made by rubbing the floor really hard. As far as I know, no rats have been found in our apartment and they aren't capable of making these kind of noises.

The most notable however was when I was home alone once and lying down in bed. Suddenly, my rubbish bins' plastic bag began shaking by itself. I saw and heard it clearly and when I went to check, there was no rat there.

My flatmates have all described similar things, from unidentified noises, to things moving and disappearing by themselves.

The weirdest thing of all is that one might expect me to be terrified, but I have learned to Live with the strange occurences. In these situations, my religious beliefs make me feel safe and I feel protected by anything paranormal when I bow down to God as a part of my daily prayers. Otherwise, I think I would've been freaking out pretty bad and either trying to desperately disprove my experiences or Tryong to move out of this very old apartment.
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