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Old 05-27-2012, 07:43 AM   #2798
Foot Soldier
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Originally Posted by turtles_kolektor View Post
He looks absolutely dumb in this picture.
... Right now in my PERSONAL (you dont have to agree) opinion this show will be for KIDS and for KIDS only, i hope i'm wrong, but just look at the pics, look at them closely, you really are seeing TMNT in your minds like that? Oh well lets hope i am wrong and this show will rocks!
Personally, I think these designs for the Turtles are the best since the original comic books. Far better than any of the other TV series. I can tell that a lot of careful thought has gone into each character and this is shown in the individual features of each turtle, including the expressions on their faces. I mean, just look at the picture I posted above of the bottles of water we got at the event yesterday - the label is just a bandanna with the eyes, but the expression of the eyes are different for each Turtle (I only came home with 2 so I can't show you the others). Just the eyes tell you about the personality of that Turtle. It's such a simple little thing but it works really well.

Yes, the show will be for kids - Nickelodeon would be stupid not to focus their attention on their core market. But the previous TV series haven't been any different and plenty of older fans have been able to enjoy at least some aspect of them. And from what I've seen this new series looks to be making a really good effort to tie in with a lot (if not all) of the previous incarnations to some extent.

We'll only be able to tell for sure when the series actually starts showing but I'm sure there'll be something for everyone to enjoy. I just glad we have a series to watch at all and that it's clearly having some decent money and effort put into it by people who have a real passion for doing a really good job, even if the end result doesn't 100% match my own personal vision of what the perfect turtles series would be.
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