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Old 02-23-2018, 11:47 AM   #141
Foot Elite
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 4,830
The absence of The River and Sky Highway in reprints is one of those gaping holes in the narrative that does a disservice to Volume 1. Not just because they're genuinely good stories, but for what they added to the character arcs for the cast that were further developed in the in-house Mirage stuff. Without The River and Sky Highway, all the subtext about Casey and his infatuation with his Chevy during City at War gets lost. And the aforementioned Sons of the Silent Age directly references The River and is a sequel to it with Raph's storyline. Reading Vol. 1 without Veitch's issues is like reading a novel with a chapter missing.

North by Downeast isn't as vital as those two, but I just love that miniseries and it's probably the least seen of Veitch's TMNT contributions. I mean, I still find his Vol. 1 issues in the bins at cons for cheap prices, so they're out there and available, but his Casey Jones miniseries pops up much less often and is tougher to come by.
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