Thread: Red Dwarf
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Old 09-30-2016, 09:46 AM   #61
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"Give and Take" is up on UKTVPLAY

They acquired a new droid, "Snacky" the snack dispenser, who they mistake as a medical droid that can help them with transfering Cat's kidneys into Lister. Liked that Rimmer tried to boost Snacky's confidence by bringing up their psychiatric session (in which Snacky said and did nothing), I did feel like Snacky's story just sort of abruptly ended when he instantly managed to recall all the important instructions needed to create a stasis leak. Another RD time travel plot after we had one a fortnight ago seems lazy, but situations from earlier in the episode again played out really well. Lastly, the lift's revenge on Rimmer was great.

Also, I think the antagonist of this episode would not look out of place on an episode of Power Rangers

I still don't quite think they've fleshed out The Cat very well again, I have to keep pointing this out a lot because the summaries involving him always make me think "this is the one where he gets substance", and it turns out to be more of the same.

Kryten had some good laughs "Captain Bollocks", "I could work for Fifa" etc

Also liked Rimmer's relucant heroism in the skirmish in the surgery

And on the designs of the, I want to own a toy of Snacky...and I got Kandy-Man vibes from the other one
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