Thread: [Fan Art] Mostly Utroms
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Old 06-07-2016, 08:29 PM   #36
Resident overthinker
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She's pretty much come down to it, save for trying to figure out setting her apart from Krang.

I often put sketches together into one page, and this is the first one I've done in quite a long time. These are in pencil and ink.

This is one of many designs I've done for Temre's armor, but I think this one is my favorite. I might build on it more at a later date.

Two of the sketches are from attempts at a study for more energy and posture in Utroms - which is not an easy task. Churk ended up on it.

I have one big story in mind for when Temre gave birth to Krang, as a slice-of-life event, and part of it involved Quanin injuring himself cutting food for her. Because she had been in situations arguably more painful, Temre had the energy to tease him about it while the midwife (a Neutrino) stitched him up.

Continuing Temre's "bring the baby everywhere" parenting, she would really just not have a care in the world where/when/in front of who she fed him.
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