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Old 06-04-2018, 04:50 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Leo656 View Post
Because keeping the full quote would be TOO long...

Not being to cover one person being away is bad business management then, plain and simple. You are either employing too few people or cannot adapt to situations where someone may not be around. I guess this is why everyone in the US also goes into work when ill, because they get harassed for being off due to not being around and everyone covering them, and then they infect everyone else around them in the process

And yes, this is from knowing many people in the US, including ex-girlfriends, and hearing an awful lot of stories about "working conditions" there. On the whole, it really does sound the workforces are more unhappy and burnt out as a result. A happier workforce is more likely to be productive, as in they want the company to succeed, be more willing to put in more hours without having to be ordered to do so, and less likely to get up to sketchy crap that involves flouting the system/rules/stealing things. Strangely enough, I've worked for US companies with UK bases, and their US practices are a lot closer to European standards as a result, meaning... quelle surprise, a more beneficial workplace to flourish within.

Maternity leave... yeah, this is a touchy subject for some people. But if pretty much every country in the world has it but the US... what are we doing right, or what can the US not grasp about it? But without dropping the ten foot barge pole on this matter, then not really going into it, was just noting the above fact about its presence worldwide.

As for health issues, try saving for medical costs that may end up in debts of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's the reality. You know what else is a reality? A friend of mine died a few years ago because he couldn't afford the hundreds needed to go see a doctor about a condition he thought he had. A few months later he died in his sleep due to it.

Saving is NOT a reality for many people sadly, and yes while I agree some people do spend money frivolously on shiny things such as TVs and phones, that's out of the reach for so many others anyhow. Those people. They spend all their money on housing, transport, food and heating. And yes, I also agree that people who are looking for handouts without attempting to help themselves first should be looked down on.

"My only responsibility is to myself"

Frankly is a horrible attitude. But I don't thus mean you have to attempt to right all of the world's wrongs in the process. It does explain why SO many Americans are completely against Obamacare because they see it as helping people who are not them. Tough luck to anyone getting ill when it wasn't their fault and can't afford it.

You know what the funny thing is though? The NHS in the UK is actually ranked above the American healthcare system in all areas except cancer survival (I'll admit, we are a bit laggy there, and my other half who works in that area has wanted it better for a decade). So money isn't everything, except when the costs in the US are ludicrously high compared to every other country in the world because it's barely regulated.

But seeing as I've visited the US a lot, met a lot of people there, and in general, they are friendly, inviting, helpful and honest... then they can't all be abiding by the self responsibility mantra, they do think of other people in their lives and doing something about making lives of other people better, in the small ways that they are able to.
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