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Old 11-09-2017, 02:57 PM   #20
Stone Warrior
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Originally Posted by ZariusTwo View Post
There was plenty to enjoy with the Spider-Man line pre-BND besides Ultimate. There was JMS, Mark Miller on Marvel Knights, Marvel Adventures, Sean Murphy's Spidey Loves MJ, DeFalco on Spider-Girl etc.

BND kicked off the wretched period we're still enduring.
Didn't like JMS, though I wish a couple of his ideas stuck. The Mark Millar run was okay. Marvel Adventures is not what I was looking for, nor was SLMJ. I never cared about Spider-Girl, honestly.

To be blunt, I've enjoyed more Spider-Man post BND than I ever did pre. Pre, it was mainly Ultimate for me. I loved the hell out of that book for years and only kind of dropped off when BND happened and Ultimate started feeling a bit redundant. Which the switch to Miles helped with, but by the time I tried getting into that, it kind of got lost among the other comics I was reading.

The weakest of Morrison's titles would be Final Crisis. That was a convoluted mess and did not have the same epic feel that Infinite Crisis did despite Darkseid conquering Earth for one month. Its not necessarily his fault, but what he had to work with.
I like Final Crisis, but I can understand people who couldn't get into it. It was complicated and for some people I imagine hard to follow. For a lot of rank and file readers, they prefer straightforward and DC had pretty much conditioned them that way. Some were just more concerned with what happened with any given character, while what happened to, like, Hawkman or whatever totally wasn't the point. Some people got what Morrison was doing but just didn't like it.

Either way, I like it for doing something different with an event, which was something we desperately needed, even at the time.

Also, I suggest you check out his Animal Man run from 1989-1991. That is a hidden gem among DC's archives.
I've been meaning to. One of these days I'm going to pick up the trades. Doom Patrol's another of his I really appreciate, if only because Morrison seems like the only guy - well, save Way now too, I guess - who understood how to make the team stand out in a universe filled with superheroes. No one really cares about Rita or Mento or whatever enough to carry a book. A team that's supposed to be weird should actually be weird.

Hell yes, I would.

Beautiful stuff. And Morrison is full of it.
Good choice on a Morrison moment, dude.

Oh please! That's like the ultimate litmus test right there for comic readers: "What do you like better, Infinite Crisis or Final Crisis?"
I mean, I assume MikeandRaph87 knows what Morrison was going for and just wasn't into it, which I can respect. Some of Grants work is not for everyone and while I'm glad Final Crisis happened and was something different with the event model, I was never surprised that ended up being one of his most divisive works. There were people out there like you describe who just straight up didn't get it, though, whom just ended up resenting it for it.

Do you like "Epic!" but empty-headed double-splash page cotton candy from Geoff Johns' hacky little fingers
Does... Geoff Johns owe you money or something?
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