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Old 08-05-2016, 05:19 PM   #8
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me too

Originally Posted by THGhost View Post
I really like this show. It doesn't come close to what Craven did for the franchise, but it's still a good show.

I think the show wants us to believe that Eli is the killer. The Scream movies always did that and then revealed that it was someone else.
it's very entertaining. and yeah it's not touching what craven did but itd a very nice "homage" if you will to his work. he was an exec producer on both of these season too. I honestly think his passing will be the biggest reason they dont continue it if they choose not to renew for a 3rd season. but bottom line is this has to deliver in the ratings.

agreed. thats what every movie/show like this does. Eli is def creepy as heck though! haha. My top 3 choices are Keiran, Stavo, and Emma. it would make a lot of sense if it was Emma. i REALLY hope it is but i know with almost 100% certainty it wont be. but that would absolutely make the season for me if it was true. Cause i really dont care much for her. She's a nice character byt i wouldnt care if they killed her off but i'd freak if they killed Noah or Bexx's character.

also it'd prob f**k with people but i wouldnt mind like Jamie Kennedy getting a role on this show but thatd prob ruin it for a lot of folks. still kinda sour about Scream 2 haha. obviously a different character. and they're from diff towns so pretty much anyone from the first 4 films could guest star. but i would understand the hate for it if that were to happen. it'd deffinetly have to be a well written circumstantial type of thing.
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