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Old 11-19-2017, 10:40 AM   #16
Megan Fox = April
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Originally Posted by dl316bh View Post
Wait, what's happening? I haven't heard this one.
long story short the game features microtransactions on the level of free mobile games but the game is still charging $60 and behind paywalls you have main characters like Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker. Someone did the math and to have one of them you would need $80 or 80 hours to unlock a character for free.

This lead reddit's most downvoted post in its history by more than 10 times the previous record and tons of bad press and pre-orders cancelled. In response they reduced the price of characters 75% but at the same time also reduced the rewards you earn to get those characters 75% and it was still unfair and people doubledown on their complains because of that even if it was.

More PR disaster statements from EA lead to Bob Iger; Disney CEO contacting EA for undisclosed reasons and later EA announced that it was eliminating these paywalls in the game but the statement they typed up was a bit vague leading to people to still tell others that EA would just enable them at a later date which may or may not be true but the negativity continued.

Because of all the bad press and getting rid of the paywalls which make a lot of money for these companies lead to the investors getting scared and selling t heir stock, EA is easily one of the best companies to invest for you are into gaming stocks so this is pretty significant.
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