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Old 05-10-2017, 06:50 PM   #28
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 5,915
it's weird. we don't have stuff that happens every day.

stuff at the house and at the office happens maybe once every few months.

We had our shed door slam shut on a windless day, so loud that we heard it in house.

A few months before, we had an iron be thrown three feet across the room at 12AM when everyone but me was asleep working on the PC. scared the crap out of me.

I once heard what I THOUGHT was my neighbor up the street yell hello to me from our porch door. i went to check it out, no one there. turns out she was in germany at the time.

This past week, we've had light flickering issues. i noticed it happened only twice at my grandmothers, never noticing it before, on a clear weather day. it happened twice a few days later at the office, throughout the WHOLE office and never happened before. and thne a few days later, I hear a voice in the bathroom on a rainy day (I'm alone) and when i go turn the lights on in my room, 1 minute later, they flick twice... hasn't happened since.

just Odd, odd, little one and dones that make you think.

oh,and one time, I had gotten some chocolate milk from down stairs and put the bottle on the counter. when i woke up the next morning (onlyone in the house again), I noticed the bottle was gone. I opened up the glasses cabinet, somehow it moved from the counter top into the cabinet. I even took a picture of it as proof and still have it somewhere.

go figure.
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