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Old 07-19-2017, 03:28 PM   #20
Resident overthinker
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It would extremely funny if they put him on Morbus if they didn't know any better. He'd have that planet under his control in something like a month.

Otherwise, I think the best logical option is to stick him on Burnow, while removing all means of teleportation so he won't try to cause havok. Why?
The risk of Ch'rell and other Utroms making a martyr out of Krang whether he's executed or banished would be too great, plus there's the potential that they might want revenge.

Plus, in the case that the Triceratons take over, it would create a B-plot wherein they have to take the hard way to get to the Utroms for help in fighting them. Because of course they'd have to be involved in fighting their own creation.
(Maybe with Churk having a Doctor Frankenstein complex with them, since he's technically the root of their existence?)
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