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Old 01-19-2018, 05:40 PM   #94
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Canada
Posts: 197
Originally Posted by Vegita-San View Post

I mean people going out there looking to INTENTIONALLY troll and rile people up. Or the SJW that, for whatever reason, likes to rile people up with over reactionary responses, and then slink away when they get caught.
If a few of these people would get pruned from here, I think you'd find it would be a lot less infighting and things would be at least a little marginally happier.
I reported one thread three times this week,
This is infuriating.

I'm, genuinely sorry, that the mods were called in, for this.

Let me make it as clear as I possibly can. I WASN'T TROLLING.
Call me whatever you want, but I honestly thought it was time to give a transwoman a shot on a mainstream show. That's it. What's so wrong with that?

Yes, i got swept up in the attacks, but I didn't go looking for attacks. I thought there might be some differences of opinion, but not massive hate and aggression.

You've all mentioned how I know, you well - yeah, I didn't post often until now, because of the bullying that goes on when you say something others don't like.
I've read old posts, and finally made two posts as of late, the last one being shut down immediately because "that movies going to suck, so who cares", followed by this. It's what I was afraid of.
But, why am I the one who should be silent?

I don't know what you'd call this guy's behavior, but reporting something because you don't agree with the politics of it, is the problem. Ignore, and move on.
It's not for the Mod to editorialize on your behalf. I'm sure it's exhausting to get an ton of email alerts because some guy is uncomfortable with typed words on a screen.
30 alerts? how many came from the same loud-mouthed bully?
It was clear to me that my offense was that the suggestion in my post was read to be so preposterous as to be outright trolling. All I can say is, look around you, the world has moved forward, and though it might be pushing the boundaries for some people, it's far from shocking to suggest, for most of us.

Again, Machias, I'm sorry this happened. I hope you have a good weekend.
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