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Old 04-05-2017, 06:18 PM   #1
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Things you hate in games

As much as we like games in this section there's always things that annoy us or that we seriously dislike about them. I'll start:

Water levels: a classic most seem to hate. Rarely do I play a water level I enjoy. It's just annoying to have slower movements and being unable to attack or have your attacking options limited.

Long unskippable cutscenes: OK, I get it that I gotta watch ti the first time, but if I die in that level or against that boss and need to start over why the hell should I be forced to sit through the cutscene again?!

Missions where you gotta follow a car without being seen/noticed: Yeah Sleeping Dogs and GTA sort of games love these. I don't mind car chases but having to drive slow and keeping a fairly long distance away from a car is annoying.

Having to fight several bosses in a row without checkpoints in-between them or being able to refill your health: Like Hyperstone Heist in the Gauntlet level. 4 goddamn bosses in a row UGH

Boring long loading screens: Some games need some time to load every time we start them up such as Europa Universalis because they gotta load the maps and such. It'd be less boring if I could read some tips or some sentences during those 3 minute long loading screens instead of just looking at an 18th century knight on top of his horse whilst I wait for the game to fully load.

When a game doesn't give you the option of turning on subtitles during cutscenes: My English is quite good for a non-native speaker but sometimes the character might have a tough accent to understand or I might miss a word or two. Not to mention I tend to pay more attention to what I read than to what I hear.

What about you? What are some gripes you have?
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