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Old 03-24-2017, 06:24 PM   #6995
Team Blue Boy
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Came across the 1983 movie "Sacred Ground" late last night. Part way in, didn't see the whole thing.

Don't care that is was supposedly based on a "true story/facts" or that this is the early 80s trying to portray an older time... That was definitely some racism and sexism right there. Not often you see a film where the main character is just a quite unlikable d*ck.

Oh look, and at the end the Paiute woman randomly decides to save and leave with the white man (the unlikable main character) who had earlier in the film run into their small temporary camp (after their 'burial' of her infant and an adult tribes member) all crazy-like on his horse, assaulted her in her lodge, knocked her out, and kidnapped her in order to force her to wet nurse his child. How romantic.

How blatant some of it is is kind of amusing... I'm not sure if it was trying to make that point, or if the writing simply had a blind sense of superiority. In this day and age I have a hard time accepting that this film is rated 3 Stars.

Last edited by IndigoErth; 03-24-2017 at 06:35 PM.
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