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Old 11-15-2017, 12:31 PM   #43
Mutant Ninja Anole
Stone Warrior
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Part of the issue, I assume, is that the Triceratons are a 'young' race. They have only been self governing for a short time and have never had a home planet. Given that they are a warrior race, designed to fight other people's wars, this move is almost shocking in its passivity. It would have been smarter to pop over to, say, the UN, and given that they landed in New York perhaps that was on their agenda. Just a general scout team, perhaps land in front of the locals and make a good impression before finding the leaders. As I said before, Bishop is honestly the worst possible person they could have had make first contact.

As it is, Bishop's extreme paranoia and lack of compromise may have just doomed millions, perhaps billions to die in a war Earth, frankly, has little chance to actually win.

Splinter's appearance threw me for a complete loop. I really have no idea what he intends to do here. A man out of time, I don't know that he has the background to judge the scale of what the Triceraton threat actually is (Bishop doesn't have that excuse) but it sort of seems like he's saying, "Don't talk to him, talk to me." I could completely see him letting the commander go and have Bishop if they agree to let the Foot run New York and/or if Bishop continues to be a jerk.

The irony of Bishop being saved by a mutant doesn't escape me BTW.
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