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Old 03-25-2019, 11:58 PM   #28
Handsomest Boy in School
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You know, one reason I tried my damnedest to get off Facebook was because it amplified the nuttiness of today's political discussions.

The world has always been in constant state of flux. What's popular today won't be tomorrow. Tomorrow's trend will fade the day after that. Raging because someone with a platform insulted your world view is a waste of energy. Why even bother?

There's a lot of issues people bring up that, despite being outlandish in their suppositions, warrant a discussion. This isn't one of them. No one is going to get hurt because someone on a podcast supports BLM or wants to see more women in Congress. Any person on the street can hold that opinion. Why do we have to insist celebrities be that politically sterile?

Come back when Congress is discussing taking your guns or forcing you to gay marry a dog or whatever else we lose our bananas over anymore.
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