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Old 11-10-2020, 09:33 AM   #10
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Fight Club is close. But I'd say the movie actually squeaks out the book content, mostly for the portrayals if not the total sum of content.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is an example of an absolutely poorly written novel becoming something great on film. The book itself is paced and written like a 5th grader wrote it - disconnects in character actions, mistimed chapters and often things just suddenly happen. It's amazing they pulled such an amazing franchise out of it.

Jurassic Park might be a solid example of a book that was better than the movie. There's a bit more science flung about in it, and the book was so airtight in it's setting and events that they mined the first book across all three Jurassic Park flicks. The first book is a solid read. I've had the Lost World here for years, but I never got around to reading that one yet.....

I've been meaning to read The Road too, but that has been sitting here for a long time. The movie was good enough to make me curious about the novel, but it was so drab and depressing that I've never gone back to the movie and I can't bring myself to crack the book open.
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