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Old 07-10-2017, 09:31 PM   #39
Megan Fox = April
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It's going to be 8 years because instead of looking at why Trump won when it should've been a landslide victory for whoever ran against him. But instead of looking at what alienated voters they're using the same god damn strategies that did not work in the primaries nor the eleciton.

Sure, let's attack Trump on anything whether it's true or half-true, that surely won't come back to bite them. Let's continue to give power to SJWs who get offended over everything and are alienating the majority of the population. It wasn't "us" it was Russia who got Trump elected.

The worst part of Andrew's trolling of "this time it'll actually happen..." is that he doesn't even post all the articles that the mainstream media is putting out.

Anywho, about the whole "it's only a two party system" well a multi-party system is not necessarily good either in a winner takes all type of democracy since often there are many parties that split the vote and the least popular party ends up in control since there was no one to divide up the vote there. This is what happens in my current country and it's a huge problem. Literally everyone hates the elected party but no one can agree on which other party should win so the vote is split and the hated party wins again when everyone would've preferred any other choice.
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