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Old 02-04-2018, 11:27 AM   #9
Megan Fox = April
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Appealing to the "millenial geek" demographic has many pros but also plenty of cons. I do think most people complaining are adults who aren't the target audience which is actually more of the 6-10 demographic so even 14 year olds complaining online just doesn't matter. But there is a crossover between people not liking the designs.

But like I mentioned in the Rise thread, I showed a 10 year old the designs and he hated them and he's a fan of the current show. I also remember as a kid when shows had these "KEWL NEW LOOK" makeovers and I usually hated them and asked why they did it and sure enough all those revivals failed after one season.

What's annoying to me is that as an adult you can easily understand "Hey, we just finished a previous incarnation like 2 months ago which was more "classic TMNT, do I really want ANOTHER similar incarnation a year later?" "Wouldn't it be more fun to see something new?" "Am I really going to watch it even if it had been the perfect designs"?

But no in the age of social media everyone wants to spout out their opinion. I have no problem with dromers not liking the new show, if they're on a forum they're hardcore enough to share their opinions but casuals who read buzzfeed and other fake geek sites who are never going to watch it is just lame.

Also, if people like something do we really have to sh-t every thread about it? I can already see every new episode will be full of "ugh, this sucks" and not let the few who enjoy it discuss it. I mean, just look at all The Next Mutation threads, it's always mostly "ugh this show sucked" when some just want to discuss it. At least in the Last Jedi thread the negative comments were "I didn't like it because ____ and this causes _____" but most negative comments on TNM threads and in the upcoming Rise will be "This sucks" without adding anything of value to the discussion.
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