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Old 05-04-2017, 05:48 PM   #43
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Originally Posted by Mexiun View Post
What? So far Pferreira is a lot nicer than you were towards me and he actually likes my idea's.
You say that he a mental patient who makes strawmen out of people who have different opinions but so far that looks like you would do that though...
Trust me, you don't want to throw in with him just because he acts "nicer".

First off, the thing about him potentially being a mental patient isn't a joke. It started with him denying evidence and facts in favor of clinging to bias, then we noticed how his posting habits went after a weekly schedule like there was a limit to his internet access. When asked about these things, he got really defense but he refused to give a reason and instead opted to threaten is with reports, rather than explain what's going on. It makes him highly suspicious to say the least.

Secondly, I might be a bit brash but don't think I'm not open to opinion. He, despite claims to the opposite, isn't by any stretch of the imagination. He'll only ever take in opinions in favor of the Fred Wolf cartoon, but if anyone dares to say it sucks they're a fourteen year old without respect for the past. What really pisses him off though is when someone points out that it was meant to sell toys and had very little reason to exist beyond that, because it's true and that gets in the way of his perception of the show.

In the end, he probably doesn't like your ideas in particular. It's more likely that he just likes someone he thinks see the Fred Wolf cartoon as the sacred cow he does, thinks he can add to the echo chamber. He recently called Cybercubed "approachable" (most likely because of his tendency to be defensive of the Fred Wolf cartoon, if I had to guess) a statement most users here would think is laughable.
Originally Posted by JTH View Post
Turtles is basically the red-headed stepchild of Nick.
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