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Old 05-28-2010, 12:44 AM   #72
I'm SUPER into myself
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Have you ever heard the expression that “there is no such thing as bad publicity”? Well I believe that holds true in this situation.

Let's have a look at the Transformers. Is Michael Bay my favorite person? No, probably not. Do I take issue with how the Transformers movie franchise is progressing? As much as the next fan I guess. However; even if you despise the Transformers saw them didn't you? Of course you did. You know what every Transformers fan in the world did? They went and saw the movies, and although they bitched and moaned the entire time...something remarkable happened after wards... Many people who's fandom had lain dormant for years, was suddenly rekindled. Through 2 (and probably 3) not the greatest films, their love for the franchise was born anew, even if just so they could feel just in hating the new films! Suddenly they are talking about the property, spending money on it again, and extending the legacy of the brand.

If anything remotely close to that happens with the Turtles because of Michael Bay's involvement, then mission absolutely accomplished in my book. If it takes a critically “meh” summer blockbuster to put my boys in green back on the map...then so-goddamn-be it! Worst case scenario? We get a so-so film that injects new money and fanbase into the brand, as well as wakes up some old fans. Best case scenario? We get taken by surprise and we get some AWESOME movies, and the other stuff still happens!

Either way...I'm all for it!
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