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Old 03-05-2021, 08:33 AM   #34
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Well the other thing is these sort of intangible, air-like descriptions online that centralize all of this. "Dr. Seuss Cancelled Because of Backlash Towards Offensive Content"! What backlash? Where? From who?

The "people of Twitter"? Who the hell are these people? The only information that we see is a twitter list of what? 2 - 100 people on a Twitter thread? There are hundreds of millions of people across the U.S.

I want some investigative reporter to do a Pulitzer winning piece that basically identifies the complainers and cancellers and puts in perspective the ratio of them against "real people" as well as the reality of their outlet of complaint.

I want as many examples pointed out as possible where something was targeted "By committee" and where something was targeted by a singular person on Twitter.
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