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Old 05-03-2017, 11:36 AM   #3
Foot Soldier
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Yeah they really need to be avenged, maybe watch over the Turtles (like Star Wars did with Obi Wan).

I think it would be cool if the Turtles are rejoined by Chebue (probably awful spelling, its the woman who was Mary Bones at first and ends up being some sort of blue skinned goddess), and they are joined by the future Turtles, Usagi and ofcourse Splinter.

Shredder is back and more powerful because he gained some technology from Verminator-X and he is rejoined by Bebop, Rocksteady and Krang who he freed from those planets before Shredder came back to Earth.
Rat King is on his own trying to survive the war by gathering materials through his rats and making weapons, a safe zone (bunker/home) and trying to flee.

Null is with Scum and Bean trying to take over the world once and for all, trying to get as many women for his harem and killing as many men as they can.

The Turtles and their allies fight against the enemies, and every chapter is filled with lots of fights (Turtles vs Bebop and Rocksteady, Shredder vs Bean and Scum, Null vs Chebue etc) and lots of humans and animals running, panicking and trying to survive.

Scum and Bean die because of Krang's tech, Bebop and Rocksteady are changed back into their human form by Chebue and arrested and getting life long prison sentence, Krang dies because Null kills him with a back attack.
Shredder fights the turtles and wins barely, Splinter then comes and saves Leonardo from getting killed by the Shredder, Splinter fights the Shredder and wins and the Shredder admits defeat and commits sepukku (off-screen).

Then everyone is rejoined and talks about what happend, parties and all that.

Then a "years later" skip comes and everything is rebuild and everyone is a bit older and you see their life now.
Rat King is now a homeless guy trying to live in peace in a far away forest.
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