Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 12-27-2005, 10:41 AM   #61
Raph's Girl
Dierna Soul, Reporter
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Finally saw Christmas Invasion (It aired last night on CBC but I was too tired so I set the VCR to record it).

When the doctor started sayiing the lyrics from Circle of Life I was really laughing and thinking "WTF?! Why's he quoting Lion King?!"...then he said "Oh wait...that's the Lion King!"

"Their ship was orbiting Mars so that means they probably aren't Martians!"
"Of course not! Martians look completly different!"

IMO the Sycorax looked like something out of Power Rangers.

BTW a bit of trivia:
Sycorax (moon), a moon of Uranus.

Sycorax, a fictional character mentioned though not seen in William Shakespeare's play The Tempest. Prospero refers to her as a foul witch from Argier who was banished to the island on the accusation of practicing sorcery. Sailors left her on the isle pregnant with her son, Caliban, and while she was there she enslaved spirits to do her bidding. Chief among them was Ariel, whom she eventually imprisoned in a pine tree for disobedience. Sycorax, who "with age and envy / Was grown into a hoop", taught Caliban to worship the god Setebos but died before the arrival of Prospero and his daughter, Miranda.

So now ya know where the name originated from...Shakespear.

Some of my fave quotes tho:
"What about the royal family? Oh..on the roof.."

Harriet: "Harriet Jones, Prime Minister"
Everybody including the alien: "I know!"

As for Torchwood..I wish we'd seen em cuz I needed an excuse to get my drool bucket Capt. Jack.

I can't wait till the Torchwood series starts!!!
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