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Old 10-04-2017, 06:42 PM   #45
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Having just watched the episode, he wasn't trying to be insensitive, he just didn't realize what he was doing because that's his personality. April said she blamed herself for her father getting mutated since she brought him to the rooftop with her. Then Mikey was trying to reassure her saying it was their fault he got mutated, because they opened the latch on the Kraang ship and the mutagen canisters rolled out over NYC. And also, it's April's father. He's basically there just to be a plot device, not an actual character. It's also why he largely stops appearing in the show much after Season 2.

April's grudge against the Turtles and not trusting them was something we hadn't seen from her before, and her learning to forgive them and not hold grudges against them for what happened is why we generally don't see her act this way again. I like that Nick's April, at least at this point before she got her powers, was basically written like a realistic teenage girl. She holds grudges, gets angry, acts sensitive, gets depressed, etc.
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