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Old 11-19-2018, 11:22 AM   #21
Foot Elite
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Originally Posted by Kendamu View Post
I was thinking the same thing, but if a talented enough person comes along they can adapt a bunch of key issues of the series into a movie sort of like how the 1990 film was written.

A lot of stuff would have to be cut away if it's a movie trilogy, but I could roughly see one version of it going like this:

- Part 1 can adapt Stuff from the first 12 issues up through the Turtles' first big fight with the Shredder

- Part 2 can adapt "City Fall"

- Part 3 can adapt "Northampton" and "Vengeance"

Of course, that's just one possibility that only focuses on the Foot. The 1990 film is an example of how a lot of all three of my films could be made into one film. That'd make more room for doing other stuff like "Krang War" or "Attack on Technodrome."

You could even go like the Thor movies did and go pretty serious-ish (for a Marvel film) for the first two and then finish it off with something colorful and fun like "Bebop and Rocksteady Destroy Everything" as the TMNT equivalent of Thor Ragnarok.

There's so much story with everything IDW has put out there that a TMNT movie trilogy could be a lot of different things. Honestly, no matter what they do, I'd absolutely love to see Issue 37 get adapted. The cool plot twist while Shredder and Krang sit across from each other is super rad and one of my favorite parts of TMNT. Also, the Turtles' plan that Splinter wasn't let in on in Attack on Technodrome is something I'd love to see adapted as well.

So many possibilities! I couldn't handle being responsible for only doing three movies about all this stuff. I'd have to have an entire Marvel MCU worth of movies for me to tell everything that's done on in the first 50 issues of IDW.
I can see more then just a trilogy, if played right it could be quintology or a septology.

First entry Hob and Stockman will be the main villains. In the film, the Turtles are introduced to Casey and Harold. There would also be small appearances from the Foot Clan.

Film begins with April arriving at work at Stockgen, when Rat Splinter startles her. She notices he has a cd in his mouth when she takes and starts to examine when she notices movement reflected in the surface. She moves just in time to avoid being decapitated. Splinter sets off the alarm setting off enough of a distraction for April to escape. The ninja that attempted to kill April starts to go after her, but the others tell them to leave her and just grab what they came for, which of course are the four turtles being used as specimens, Splinter, and mutagen.

During their escape a stray cat gets in their way. The bag is dropped and the ooze vile shatters and splashes on the Turtles. The ninja attempt to retrieve the bag but the police sirens force them to leave the bag behind. Splinter wriggles out of the bag with Raphael also comes out behind him. Both of them are splashed with mutagen. Splinter doesn't notice Raph at first as he begins to drag the bag to a sewer entrance. The stray cat starts to eye Splinter but picks out Raph as the easier prey. Splinter attacks the cat clawing out its eye, but is unable to save Raphael as the cat runs off with him. Splinter pulls the bag into the sewers leaving the missing turtle to his fate.

One year later Stockman is talking to General Krang about the theft. Krang is less than pleased about this, but Stockman assures them that he has someone looking for the specimens.

The turtles are looking for their missing brother. Both Donnie and Mikey express that maybe they should accept their brother is gone for good. Leo chastizes the two of them by saying that "Father" insists he's alive and they couldn't rest until he was found. Donnie tries to take the logical high road and says it's been a year, even in a city the size of New York, if there was a brother to be found they would have found him by now. Leo, however, insists they keep searching. Unbeknownst to them, two groups are watching them, one being Hob and his group, the other being the Foot Clan.

Raph in the meantime has been living out on the streets, he feels he belongs somewhere but doesn't know where that place is. While he's walking about looking for something to eat he sees a college-age boy trying to collect his drunkard father from the bar. The dad is belligerent and then starts getting rather hostile towards his son. Raph sees what's going on and jumps in, when the man turns his ire towards Raph, Raph, in turn, shows he is actually quite the brawler. The drunk man just leaves all the while he tells Raph that he only went easy on him this time, next time he sees his face he won't be so generous. The boy Casey befriends Raph and the two go off together to go commiserate.

Someway's into the film Leo gets frustrated with the lack of success in finding Raph, between Hob picking fights with them and the lack of effort on his brothers part. He storms away from the lair to go calm down when he is suddenly attacked by an unknown ninja assailant who taunts them about how weak he is during their battle. The assailant bounds away he mockingly tells Leo to become stronger for his own sake. The assailant then meets up with Karai who says the fight was impressive enough to be of interest to her grandfather.

Mikey and Donnie have gone out to find Leo when the two of them are jumped by Hob and his goons. They give a valiant fight but both are overpowered and are taken to Stockman. Stockman tells a scientist named Harold Lilja to prepare them for the experiments. When Stockman leaves Harold begins to grumble about how he's forced to be subservient to a pompous jerk like Stockman. Donnie recognizes some mannerisms in Harold and begins to ask questions such as was he a member of such and such science forum. Mike at first questions why Donnie is becoming chummy with the guy getting ready to do who knows what to them. Donnie explains that he thinks he knows who this guy was and then says the name of Harold's screen name. Harold is taken aback by that, Donnie explains he's on the same forum and says he goes by the handle "Dozmachines" The conversation, however, is to stall for time as he had activated a trace on his t-phone.

Leo gets Donnie's signal and heads of in the direction of Stockgen, when he notices Raphael and realizes this is his missing brother. Leo appears to them, Casey points out to Raph that Leo kinda looks like him. Leo tells Raph that the two of them are brothers and that their family had been searching for him for a long time. Raph doesn't openly accept Leo and resentfully says that they should have looked harder. Casey, however, reasons with his new friend, tells them they were out looking for him he has to give him that effort at least. Leo points out the rest of their brothers are in danger, he could really use his help on this. Raph agrees but insists Casey comes with.

The group go to Stockgen face off against Hob and Stockman and save their brothers. The episode then ends on with Hob being supposedly shot dead by Stockman, but when Stockman takes off in his helicopter Hobb's eye opens and we see he had been concealing a vile of ooze in his shirt. Getting up we see him walk to an abandoned building and telling someone he had said he would require him one day. Well that day has come first they will deal with those turtles and their allies, then they would deal with the human scum of the city. Hob then says "What do ya say...Slash." Then a figure of a large monsterous looking turtle appears and roars.
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