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Old 03-12-2005, 11:36 AM   #76
Super Moderator
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Sorry I wasn't home. I was actually out with a friend. Isn't that nuts. Well, onto the question.

It could be a number of factors. If your monitor just straight up won't show a picture, but it shows that it's on, that usually means there's an internal problem with the amount of voltage transfer to send the electrons through the CRT (assuming you don't use a flat screen). If the screen gets distorted or changes color, that's a problem within the CRT itself, meaning missing pixels or misdirection of the electrons, etc. There's really not much you can do to fix a monitor, unless you get a technician to do it for you. I would say just get a new monitor. They're really cheap these days. From reading the Nintendo thread, I see you got yourself a new one. That's the best thing you can do.
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