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Old 02-04-2018, 02:02 AM   #36
Foot Soldier
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This just seems like a ploy for peta to push the "vegan agenda" onto children. I do think that peta is probably banking on children watching the show and deciding they should eat a certain way, except kids don't always decide what they are eating. When I was a kid my parents made dinner and I was expected to eat what they cooked. Then again I was from a poor family and they weren't about to make a second type of food just to cater to my special diet.

Who's to say the cows don't enjoy being milked all the time. We honestly don't know what they are thinking, but these clowns want to be the voice for an animal that they don't understand. PETA represents all these animals and speaks out for what they believe is best for them, and they don't actually know what any of these animals are thinking.

I don't care for peta considering they euthanize animals at their shelters and call it "mercy". They want to be held to a different standard despite doing exactly what they crusade against. Hopefully Nickelodeon doesn't cave to this bs suggestion, but then again we have a human Cheeto as president. So I guess we are way out of the realm of what was thought to be impossible.
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