Thread: Rush hour 4?
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Old 10-06-2017, 08:23 PM   #7
Megan Fox = April
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Jackie has a lot of unpopular opinions and changes his mind all the time, he's like a polititian. Jackie has been old for over ten years now and has barely done any action scenes but that was true even in the early 00's which is why many of his movies featured a lot of CG, none of the Rush Hour movies ever featured a lot of martial arts, not even the first one.

The third RH IMO was better than the second one, the chemistry with Chan/Tucker is what made the films so great and I think they can make a movie that will at least be as good as the previous sequels, which are poor but had a few decent things.

I mean it's not like Jackie Chan has been doing anything worthwhile since he left Hollywood in the late 00's. He already tainted the legacy of Police Story not once but twice with those horrible reboots.
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