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Old 09-10-2016, 03:40 PM   #68
Megan Fox = April
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DC's problem is indeed lack of faith in their product and Marvel fanboys. The moment their franchise doesn't do what they wanted they restructure everything. I still remember the SDCC before Green Lantern came out int he Q&A they were asked about a "Cinematic Universe" and while he said they were planning to keep things separate because simply their characters are bigger (ironic how that turned out) but in that same panel he basically implied it could/would happen slowly. Of course everything changed when Green Lantern bombed and they decided to try again with MoS but that didn't do as well as planned they again went back to the drawing board.

Seeing how much money they were losing and no time to wait to reboot they decided to go full on shared universe first, which is fine as well and always found "BUT HOW WILL WE KNOW THE ORIGINS!?" posts rather stupid, did you ask what everyone's origin was when you first watched X-Men or even the Justice League cartoon? of course not. I personally liked BvS but it did have odd choices here and there, the internet went through it as a TSA agent though and now DC is making all these changes that further affect how their shared universe will go and killing the interest I had in it.

Will new movies be cookie cutter like Marvel films? I guess we'll find out. Was Suicide Squad cut up after BvS failed to be as huge as they wanted? We'll know eventually. But these things do affect the product. MoS was a Superman origin and BvS puts Superman in a "mature" DC Universe and yet some heroes/villains are just showing up and yet other events having happened making the universe not make a lot of sense. Some mix up is fine but this is already creating confusion on the timeline.

Originally Posted by CyberCubed View Post
So I haven't been following, the Luthor in Batman/Superman was not the real Luthor? Then why did he say his first name was Lex? He felt more like a gay flamboyant Riddler than Luthor to me.
Yeah, apparently he was Alexander Luthor, we knew this shortly after the movie premiered I think. That is kind of stupid and didn't understand the decision. Unlike most I actually liked this interpretation of Luthor for the most part, except for the whole "Darkseid is coming" in the end.
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