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Old 02-09-2018, 04:42 PM   #107
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 5,915
If your first post on this site is about a topic most people think should be banned because it's too divisive, and then you bait people in other posts...I would consider that toxic.

Some things are just people not liking the current topic of conversation. but the conversation itself is rather civil. i wouldn't call that toxic...but it would be easier if those types ignored the stuff they didn't like rather than combat with it.

i'm just glad i'm not running things as a mod. unless it's rather obvious that the person is there just to troll or cause's rather tough sometimes to find the genuine people, and the people who like to poke the bear like andrew, but otherwise might be interested in the topic.

'Wrong, April. We've Been upgraded to Women hating TROLLS'

?The force is not female, the force is not male, the force is for everyone?
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