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Old 05-25-2017, 09:34 PM   #15
Megan Fox = April
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The studio fanboyism on the internet is retarded, Sony can make good Spider-Man movies and somehow I feel Amazing SM isn't so bad. Both films are on Netflix so I think I'll be watching them soon and report back.

I'm super excited about a Spider-Man Cinematic Universe, there are so many characters there that they can use and this looks awesome. Could it suck? sure but it's really annoying to see all the comments "OH IT"S NOT MARVEL STUDIOS IT"S TEH SUCK" while praising the cookie cutter films the MCU has.

I'm a lover not a hater, I try to find the things I like from a movie not what I dislike. The original Spider-Man trilogy is great, sure 3 isn't amazing but it's far from the terrible movie people make it out to be and 1 and 2 basically set the standard for Superhero movies when they released, comparing them blindly to today's movies is rather unfair.
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