Thread: [Suggestion] Preventing spoilers
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Old 01-02-2017, 12:07 PM   #24
Team Blue Boy
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Socially speaking, people need to relearn the concept of having consideration for others in general. It's a TWO-way street... avoid what you know is probably a risk AND be considerate and keep it under wraps if it will spoil something. The one-way (aka "me-way") attitude (in fandom, life, etc) of "I'm doing my thing, oh well on anyone else" is irksome, esp in situations like this.

I haven't had much issue here personally, simply because I've avoided threads and don't have a whole lot of interest in discussing the show while it's on hiatus anyhow, but DA is one that is driving me nuts with the constant overload of screen caps when I'm just looking for cool new art. For those that do want to discuss the show right now and keep running into entirely undisguised spoilers, they have my sympathy.

Though even trying to avoid it as much as I have, it's still impossible not to have caught on to possible details I wish I didn't know yet.

Last edited by IndigoErth; 01-02-2017 at 12:14 PM.
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