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Old 05-16-2017, 09:37 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Tarris Vaal View Post
I completely agree - I don't understand what the point is to draw out the finale season and kill any hype for the last few episodes by incurring such long gaps between episodes.

ESPECIALLY now that they have shifted format to multi episode mini arcs that will inevitably feature cliffhangers.

That's why I was wondering if this was something that had been done before by Nick to other series. Its sad and somehow telling that this was done to Young Justice - it almost a stealth means to kill a series.

Originally Posted by Tarris Vaal View Post
I dunno, the more I write this the more it comes across like a gentle conspiracy theory to kill off the 2012 series, but do you guys think something along those lines might have been the case?
If not, what do you think might have been the reason for the constant delays?
You might have inadvertently answered your own question, plus it might be that they value the Sponge as their main moneymaker and thus probably aren't as concerned about TMNT. (Even though Spongebob is pretty much a zombie franchise like the Simpsons, they had to bring back the original creator for input and help because it was running itself into the ground. Which is sad, because the creator had originally only intended for SB to run for 3 seasons and end at the movie. Imagine having your creation run into the ground so hard, it's now a shadow of it's former self.)

Which brings me to a couple questions of my own: If Nick isn't as concerned with the welfare of shows that aren't the Sponge, what makes it likely that it will be as concerned with this new show coming up in 2018? What would even stop it from doing the same things to this show that they did to TMNT12? It's why I'm been thinking for some time now that Nick ultimately isn't going to be beneficial to the TMNT franchise in the long run, and that they are better off just selling it to Cartoon Network or Marvel or whatever, because at least those people don't seem to have such an unhealthy fixation on a singular other franchise to the extent of 'inadvertantly' killing off any that might come close to supplanting it. Plus CN will also sometimes bring back an old beloved show if it was popular (Samurai Jack) and let it get the grown up treatment, moving it onto Adult Swim. I don't see TMNT getting that kind of treatment with Nick, they will just keep it baby-fied and 'for children' even though there are a lot of fans that are grown up now.
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