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Old 08-07-2017, 03:37 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by marcelangelo View Post
sometimes if you don't know for sure, its better to shut up and say nothing....

usagi book 1 which is pictured there has a few very prescious moments in usagi's tale (mariko, frst encounter with gen, tomoe and lord noriykui, the neko ninja, etc).
overall it collects the first few published stories of usagi that appeared in albedo and critters.
book 2 already collects the start if usagi's own series and is incredible!it's the samurai story arch, which recounts how usagi came to be in is position as a 3 delivers the first meeting with jei for example and book 4 has the long story the dragon bellow conspiracy in it.

what I want to say with this is simply this:
there is no not-good usagi tpb out there.
so, don't tell someone new to usagi that the good stuff only starts somewhere later.I hate this, because it not only neglects some wonderful comics, but you're ******** on the guy who found this beat up copy of usagi book 1 at the library and wanted to share this with us..what's wrong with you, man?
My Library is weird they had book one than all the other Usagi ones where vol 16 and up. They are missing books 2-14
I respect what FW cartoon did for the turtles franchise but it is the most overrated and hard to watch of the 3 turtles cartoons.
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